Bulletin Board

Campus Life supports the free flow of information and provides these boards, located on the first floor of the SMC Campus Center, for members of the University community to announce events and services that are of general interest.


  • Notice must be emailed to campuslife@umaryland.edu or hand-delivered to an employee at the first-floor Information Desk in the SMC Campus Center. Upon approval, the notice will be date-stamped and placed on appropriate boards.
  • Any notice not approved/stamped will be removed from the boards and discarded.
  • All notices must be professional in appearance. Handwritten material will not be posted.
  • Any notice that becomes unpresentable or defaced will be removed and discarded.
  • Maximum size of notice is 18” x 24”. Minimum size is 5.5” x 4.25”.
  • Notice must be from a member of the University community.
  • The name of the sponsoring organization/person must be clearly indicated on the notice and contact information must be included.
  • Notice will be removed after the event has taken place or after 30 days, whichever comes first.
  • If the board is crowded, Campus Life reserves the right to select notices for events with the widest appeal.
  • Notices for apartments, houses for rent, or roommates needed are not allowed and will not be approved for posting. Please post online at .
  • Notices for car pooling are not allowed and will not be approved for posting. For information pertaining to car pooling or ride sharing, please refer to the UM car pooling website at www.parking.umaryland.edu.
  • Notices may be bilingual as long as there is a comparable English translation on the notice.
  • Campus Life does not assume responsibility for materials that are damaged or stolen.
  • Notices advocating fraud or unlawful actions or notices Campus Life considers inappropriate are not permitted.
  • Posting of a notice does not imply endorsement by the 爆料公社, Baltimore.