Steering Committee
Dr. Devang Gandhi
Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry, UMSOM; MB, BS, MD, FRCPsych, DFASAM, & DFAPA
Other affiliations: Director, Addiction Psychiatry/Addiction Medicine Fellowship Programs at 爆料公社 School of Medicine (UMSOM) & VA Maryland Health Care System
Areas of expertise and interest: substance use disorders and other addictions; co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders; pharmacological treatment of addictions; addiction education and training
Dr. Jay Unick
Associate Professor, UMSSW
Areas of expertise and interest: social and psychiatric epidemiology; psychiatric diagnosis; health consequences of heroin use; organization and financing of mental health services; mental health outcome measurement
Dr. Thomas Oates
Professor and Department Chair of Advanced Oral Sciences and Therapeutics, UMSOD
Areas of expertise and interest: oral health care; periodontics; implantology; diabetes; oral-systemic health associations; practice-based research; clinical trials
Ms. Kathleen Hoke
Professor, UMSOL
Other affiliations: Director of the Network for Public Health Law—Eastern Region; Director of the Legal Resource Center for Public Health Policy
Area of expertise and interest: public health law and policy, including environmental health, tobacco regulation, marijuana regulation, and injury prevention
Dr. Fadia T. Shaya
Professor and Vice-Chair for Academic Affairs, Department of Pharmacy Health Services Research, UMSOP
Other affiliations: Director, Center on Drugs and Public Policy (CDPP); Executive Director, Behavioral Health Research Program; Informatics Core co-Director, Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (ICTR)
Areas of expertise and interest: community, patient, provider, health systems and policy stakeholder partnerships; informing prevention and treatment of substance abuse and prescription drug misuse; data systems for surveillance and evaluation; comparative effectiveness research; health policy