Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

SMC Campus Center

Below are some frequently-asked questions regarding planned giving at UMB.

What is planned giving? 

Planned gifts are charitable donations that will help provide the schools of UMB with assistance in the future while also allowing the donor to benefit from achieving his or her financial, and philanthropic, objectives today.

How do I make a gift? 

You can make an outright gift  If you are interested in a planned gift, have specific questions, or are unsure about the type of gift you want to make, please contact us at: 1-877-706-4406 or

How can I include my school in my will or estate plan? 

A bequest can be included very easily in your will, we can help provide sample language and also discuss how you would ultimately like your gift to be used.

Can I give appreciated securities? 

Donating securities that have appreciated in value can be a very beneficial way to make your gift. You can avoid capital gains tax and support your school simultaneously. Be sure to consult with your tax or financial advisor regarding your personal situation.

Can I use something other than cash to fund a planned gift? 

Yes, oftentimes it can be more beneficial to donate assets other than cash. Securities and real estate are examples of alternate ways to fund planned gifts through UMBF. There can be favorable tax benefits and potential lifetime income through utilizing noncash assets.

Can I designate the area I want my planned gift to support? 

Through a memorandum of understanding drafted among the donors, school, and UMBF, you can directly specify where you want your gift to be used.

What is the difference between endowed and non-endowed funds? 

Endowed funds are meant to last forever. The principal donated is invested in the endowment alongside other funds, generating annual income used for purposes designated by the donor. In general, endowments are invested to generate 4 to 5 percent in 鈥渟pendable income,鈥 so a $150,000 endowed scholarship would produce a scholarship award of $6,000 to $7,500 every year forever.

Non-endowed funds are not invested to earn income or necessarily stay in the account very long, because the funds are spent down on whatever purpose is designated by the donor. Thus, a non-endowed $150,000 scholarship could award all $150,000 out in scholarship awards in one year if needed.

Most frequently, endowed funds are associated with things that will always be priorities at this institution: scholarships, professorships, and research, and are often funded by multi-year pledges or planned gifts. The current minimum to establish a new endowed fund at UMBF is $50,000. Non-endowed funds receive gifts in any amount and are critical to the immediate needs and programs whose funding priorities are expected to have a beginning and end date.

Do you have a question you think we should include on this page? Please contact us, we would welcome your suggestions.