COVID-19 Non-Clinical Trials

Researchers across a wide variety of disciplines at ±¬ÁϹ«Éç Baltimore and the ±¬ÁϹ«Éç Medical System are using their expertise to address the COVID-19 pandemic. They are conducting a number of Chart Review, Survey, Data Collection studies. Learn more about each study below.


Survey Studies â–¾
Survey research is the collection of data attained by asking individuals questions either in person, on paper, by phone or online. Conducting surveys is one form of primary research, which is the gathering data first-hand from its source. Common types of surveys include interviews, questionnaires, and opinion polls.

School  Principal Investigator  Type of study Study Title
SOM  Black,M Survery and Interview COVID-19: Links to Risk for Food Insecurity, Family Routines, and Children's Dietary and Physical Activity Behaviors 
SOM Magder, L Survery/Data Collection Assessing the Impact of Social Distancing and Personal Protection Activities on Risk of Infection with COVID-19
SOM Hines, S.  Survey Assessment of Moral Injury & Oucupational Stress Amongst Healthcare Workers Involved in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
SOM Stephanie, S/ Badhdadi, J Survey COVID-19: Residents and Allied health workers
SOP Olives, E Survey Social capital in aftermath of COVID-19
SOM Kotillil, S.  Survey COVID-19 HIV Registry Protocol
SON Friedmann, E Survey Nurses' Peritraumatic Distress, Moral Distress, Professional Well-Being and Attitudes Towards Patient Safety Culture in Response to COVID-19
SOM Hager, E Survey  Feeding Maryland Students in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic Control Policies
SOM Nandi, S Survey Effect of COVID-19 on Hip and Knee Replacement Cancellations
SOM Bennett, M Survey Examining the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Delivery of Tele-MH Services by Mental Health Treatment Program Clinicians and Staff
SOM Garber, N Survey Using simulation to prepare for COVID-19 emergency response 
SON   Breman, R Survey A Web Survey to Assess the Impact of COVID-19 on pregnancy worry, care and breastfeeding
SOM  Silverman, H Survey Moral Distress in Health Care Providers
SOM Grasso, M Survey/ Data Collection/Record Review Emergency Medicine Quality Analytics
SOM Isaiah, A Survey/ Data Collection/Record Review The natural history of obstructive sleep apnea as revealed by the interruption related to COVID-19
SON Friedmann, E Survey Nurses' Peritraumatic Distress, Moral Distress, Professional Well-Being and Attitudes Towards Patient Safety Culture in Response to COVID-19
SOM Bennet, M  Survey  Examining the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Daily Living in People with Psychosis
SOM Ryan, A.  Survey  Physical and Mental Health in Veterans Confined to Home during COVID-19
SOM Bennet, M Survey Examining the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health and Addiction Treatment Program Patients
SOM Jeudy, J Survey Indications for CT Imaging in Managing COVID-19
SOM Diaz, J Survey Characterization of a post discharge plan following infants born to mothers diagnosed with novel coronavirus infection
SOD Martinho, F. Survey Survey Assessment of the effect of Covid-19 on Endodontic Practice
SOM Olson, J. Survey COVID-19 pandemic influence on the medical student surgery clerkship and education 
SON Friedmann, E Survey Understanding Moral Distress and Resilience in Nurses During a Pandemic
SOM Smith, E Survey Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Medical Student Radiology Rotations
SOM Luethy, P Survey Estimating the rate of COVID-19 in volunteers and participants at the 2020 Curling Club Nationals
SSW Candelaria, M Survey Baltimore City Mayor's office for child and family success covid-19 child care parent and provider surveys
SOM Weisenborn, C Survey Lung Cancer Patients and COVID 19 Safety Precautions
SOM Manu, S Survey The impact of COVID-19 restrictions on the weight-loss behaviors of primary care bariatric patients
SOP Heil, E Interviews/Data Collection Characterization of remdesivir allocation and distribution in COVID-19
SOP Mullins, D Interviews/Data Collection Communicating about COVID-19 Testing to Underrepresented Populations
SOM Hager, E Survey/Interviews A Mixed Methods Evaluation of Physical Education and Physical Activity in Schools during COVID-19 school closure
SSW Candelaria, M Interviews B'more SUCCEEDS COVID response qualitative interviews
SOM Wilkerson, R Survey Rapid Evaluation of COVID-19 Vaccination in Emergency Departments for Underserved Patients
SOM Campbell, J Survey Parental COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Survey
SOM Silverman, H Interviews Addressing Health Inequities due to covid-19
SOP Tran, D Survey Patient Perception Survey on Willingness to Receive Upcoming COVID-19 Vaccine using the Health Belief Model to Identify Motivators
SOM A. Lankford Survey Clinical outcomes of hospitalized obstetric patients with COVID-19 in Maryland between 2020 and 2021
SOD Martinho, M Survey COVID-19 Vaccine Survey
SON Jones-Parker, H Survey Impact of Social determinants on COVID-19 in Front-Line Workers.
SOM Stafford, K Survey COVID-19 Sero Survey Additional
SSW Candelaria, M Interviews/Data Collection Infant Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation during Covid-19 Pandemic
SOM Bhutta, A. Survey Attitude toward COVID testing in Pakistan
SOM Shetty, K Survey COVID-19 Vaccination Attitudes Study in SOTRs
SOM Niederhaus, S Survey Long-Term Complications of COVID-19 in Transplant Recipients
SSW Negi, N Survey Health, COVID, and Immigrants of Color
SOM Cross, R Survey Racial Concordance on COVID19 Vaccination Intent in Patients with IBD

Data Collection and Record/Chart Review Studies â–¾
Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information on variables of interest, in an established systematic fashion that enables one to answer stated research questions, test hypotheses, and evaluate outcomes.

School  Principal Investigator  Type of study Study Title
SOM Salenger, R Data Analysis The Surge after the surge: Analysis of the deceleration in adult cardiac surgery cases that have occurred secondary to the COVID 19 pandemic.
SOM Kaushik, K. Data Collection Flattening the COVID-19 curve
SOM Turan, S Data collection Towards Improvement of Perinatal outcome for patients with SARS CoV2 infection
SOM Tabatabai, A Data collection/ record review Coagulopathy in critically ill patients with SARS-CoV-2
SOM  Bruns, B Data Collection/Record Review Analysis of Trauma Volumes Pre and Post-COVID-19
SOM Malek, R Data Collection/Record Review Healthcare system experience of the impact of diabetes mellitus and pre-diabetes on severity/outcomes in COVID-19 infection
SOM Dezman, Z Data Collection/Record Review  Impact of Social Distancing on US Emergency Departments During the COVID-91 Pandemic 
SOM  Tabatabai, A Data Collection/Record Review COVID + Bio-containment Unit (BCU) - care for the critically ill with COVID 19
SOM Hossain, R Data Collection/Record Review Imaging findings of COVID19 patients
SOM Hatten, K Record Review Evaluating Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Treatment Paradigms in Head and Neck Cancer
SOM Hanna, N.  Record Review/Data Collection Surgical Outcomes in patients with suspected/confirmed COVID-19 infection
SOM  Harris, A Specimen Collection/ Data Collection/ Record Review Testing respiratory swabs for COVID-19
SOM Frieman, M  computational analysis  Identification of FDA Approved Drugs or Novel Compounds Exhibiting SARS-CoV2 Inhibitory Activity
SOM Bharadwaj, S Case Report Adaptation of Labor and Delivery Unit to COVID-19
SOM Talwani, R. Chart Review Chart review study of patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 disease
SOM Lal, B Chart Review Cardiovascular Ischemia and COVID-19
SOM  Anders, M Chart Review Screening for asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 in perioperative and trauma patients
SOM Tabatabai, A Retrospective chart review 2020 Pandemic - Single center experience with veno-venous extra corporeal membrane oxygenation and COVID-19- lessons learned
SOM  Gopakumar, S  Chart Review  A Systematic Review to study the effect of Glucocorticoids on Cytokine Storm in Patients with COVID-19
SOM Roghmann, M Data Collection/Record Review Project to assess nursing home facility factors which determine the trajectory of COVID-19 among nursing home residents
SOM Raghavan, P  Chart Review   Imaging manifestations of COVID 19 in the neuraxis and aerodigestive tract
SOM Marc Simard, J Chart Review Prolonged COVID-19 viral shedding and barriers to care in pregnancy with risk of extended in-patient isolation duration
SOM  Schmalzle, S  Chart Review COVID testing and outcomes in People Living with HIV attending THRIVE clinic 
SOM Harris, A. Retrospective chart review Pre-Procedural Testing - Prevalence of Asymptomatic COVID Positive Patients
SOM Kavic, S. Retrospective chart review Quantifying Changes in Laparoscopic Practice in the time of COVID-19
SOM Saharia, K Chart Review Infectious Complications in patients with COVID-19 treated with tocilizumab
SOM Lominadze, Z Retrospective chart review Longitudinal follow-up of COVID-19 and related outcomes in solid organ transplant recipients (SOTR)
SOM Schwartz, B Chart review The Effect Of Early Prone Ventilation In the Emergency Department On Reduction Of Mortality and Ventilator Free Days In Patients Testing Positive With Novel Coronavirus-19
SOM Ludwig, S Chart review Effect of COVID-19 on Complication and Readmission Rates in Lumbar Spine Surgery
SOM Leekha, S. Specimen Collection/ Data Collection/ Record Review Outbreak of multidrug resistant organisms (MDROs) on units housing COVID-19 patients 
SOM Khanna, N. Survey/ Data Collection/ Record Review COVID in Primary Care Observations: Understanding the impact of primary care in ambulatory COVID patients, COVID Risk Score uses to improve COVID outcomes, Health inequity in ambulatory COVID 
SOM Lane, W. Chart review The impact of COVID-19 on the regional epidemiology of child abuse evaluations 
SOM  Miller, R.  Retrospective chart review  New Onset Diabetes in Youth During the COVID Pandemic
SOM  Bhutta, A Data Analysis H-Score in COVID-19 patients
SOM  Kaushal, S Retrospective/Prospective study Retrospective/Prospective review of COVID-19 positive ECMO patient outcomes
SOM  Hu, Kami Retrospective Chart Review Prognosticators in COVID-19
SOP Heavner, M Data Collection/Record Review Epidemiology and Outcomes of Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients and Management Strategies
SOM Baghdadi, J Data Collection/Record Review Sepsis in COVID-19
SOM Miller, R Data Collection Impact of COVID19 on gender participation in academic publishing in ASTRO journals
SOM Rosenthal, G Data Analysis Changes in Cardiac Encounters in Pediatric Emergency Departments During the COVID-19 Pandemic
SOM Haase, D Data Collection Triage and ECMO Resource Utilization During the COVID Pandemic
SOM Chau, J Chart review Retrospective study on the effects of pregnancy on COVID-19 infection
SOM Rabinowitz, R Chart review Outcome of VV-ECMO in Common Viral infections vs Covid-19 viral infections
SOM Fisher, S Data Collection/Record Review COVID-19 in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease
SOP Claeys, K Chart review Diagnostic Testing and Antibiotic Utilization in COVID-19
SOM Lee, J Chart review COVID 19 Postpartum LARC Study
SSW Oktay, J Data Analysis Did COVID-19 change the interventions provided by oncology social workers in the epicenter for the pandemic
SOM Mazzeffi, M Data Collection Determining the optimal timing for surgery following SARS-CoV-2 infection
SOM Holloway, A Data Collection/Chart Review Neurologic Manifestations of COVID 19 in Children
SOP Yeung, S Chart review Sedation Requirements in ARDS patients on ECMO with COVID-19
SOM Leekha, S Retrospective Review COVID-19 workplace exposure risk stratification and transmission among healthcare workers
SOM Latif, M Retrospective Review Patterns and Prognostic Significance of High Risk Features and Hypercoagulability followed over Hospitalization Time in COVID-19 patients
SSW Oktay, J Data Analysis Did COVID-19 change the interventions provided by oncology social workers in the epicenter for the pandemic?
SOP Wastila, L Data Collection/Record Review COVID-19 Infections and Medication Use in Nursing Homes
SOM Gopakumar, S Retrospective Chart Review Racial Disparities-Associated COVID-19 Mortality among Hispanic/Latino during the COVID-19 Pandemic
SOM Law, J Retrospective Chart Review A Retrospective Analysis of ED visits and Hospitalizations for Sickle Cell Disease Spectrum Crises during COVID-19
SOM Belcher, A Chart review Methadone Treatment and Adherence During COVID-19
SOM Kewalramani, A Chart review Telemedicine in Pediatric EoE during COVID-19
SOP Yeung, S Observational/ Retrospective Evaluating Medical and Medication Related Needs in COVID19 Intensive-Care Unit (ICU) Survivors compared to non-COVID19 ICU Survivors
SOM Luethy, P Retrospective Chart Review Evaluation of COVID-19 RT-PCR Test Ordering Practices
SOM Ghneim, M Data Collection/Record Review Cytokine Blood Filtration Outcomes in COVID-19 Patients
SOM Shadman, S Retrospective Chart Review Analysis is to determine the association between specific patient risk factors and laboratory values on disease severity of Covid-19.
SOM Shukla, H Data Analysis Clinical data of Cancer patients with COVID-19
SON Moen, M Data Analysis Use of ICD-10 Z-Codes Pre- and During COVID-10
SOM Christenson, R Specimen Collection/ Assay Review Atellica IM/ADVIA Centaur SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Study
SOM Wells, C Retrospective Chart Review FEES for COVID 19 Postiive Patients
SOM Claassen, C Retrospective Chart Review Essential Health Services During COVID-19 Review at University Teaching Hospital (UTH) in Lusaka, Zambia
SOM Cloeren, M Data Collection/Record Review Tracking Employee/Student COVID Immunization and Tests
SOM Leekha Sample/Data Collection/Record Review  COVID-19 Sero Survey Additonal
SOM Frieman, M Sample/Data Collection and Analysis Begin to identify strain variants of SARS-CoV-2 appearing in the local population
SOP dosReis, S Data Analysis Telepsychiatry for Pediatric Patients in the COVID-19 Era
SOM Shukla, H Data Collection/Record Review Access to Clinical data of cancer patients undergoing Covid-19 treatment
SOM Jin Jun, H Data Analysis Mental health correlates during the COVID-19 pandemic in youth
SOM Luethy, P Data Analysis Comparison of the BD Max™ and Genmark ePlex® platforms for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA to the Cepheid GeneXpert® in positive nasopharyngeal and nasal swabs
SOM Turan, S Retrospective Chart Review COVID-19 Effects on Maternal, Fetal and Neonatal Outcomes
SOP Yeung, S Data Analysis Characterization of Delirium in Mechanically Ventilated COVID19 Patients in the ICU
SOM Tabatabai, A Retrospective Chart Review The Nurtirion Status in COVID-19
SOM Wilkerson, G Retrospective Chart Review Hospital Based Initiation of Buprenorphine Treatment for Patients with Opioid Withdrawal During The COVID-19 Pandemic
SOM Bollinger, M Retrospective Chart Review COVID and Pediatric Asthma
SOM Niederhaus, S Retrospective Chart Review The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Access to Kidney Transplantation
SOM Vakharia, K Retrospective Chart Review Trauma during and before COVID database
SOM Falvey, J Data Analysis Impacts of COVID19 on delivery of rehabilitation in nursing homes

Other Study Types â–¾
These studies include Registries, databases, health surveillance, histories, de-indentified specimen testing, etc.

School  Principal Investigator  Type of study Study Title
SOM Awan, O Diagnostic Radiology  Cloud based learning during a pandemic: Rethinking radiology education
SOM Kotloff, K Health surveillance Health center based surveillance for COVID-19 in Bamako, Mal
SOM Sajadi, M Prospective, Natural history Voluntary Asymptomatic HCW
SOM Turan, S QI database POISE 19
SOM  Dezman, Z Registry Multi-center registry of potential COVID-19 patients presenting to US Emergency Departments
SOM Bharadwaj, S Registry The SOAP COVID-19 Delivery Registry
SOM Murthi , S Registry Viral Infection and Respiratory illness Universal Study: COVID-19 Registry and Validation of C2D2 (Critical Care Data Dictionary)
SOM Harris, A Serology Serological responses of COVID-19 patients
SOM Rolfo, C Registry International registry on thoracic cancer patients with COVID-19 (TERAVOLT) 
SOM Scalea, T Secondary research Utilization of Clinical Data and Continuous Vital Signs Trends in COVID-19 Patients to Predict Worsening Clinical Condition and Need for Increased Clinical Resources 
SOM Schwartz, B  Secondary research  COVID-19 Research Registry at UM Capital
SOM  Morgan, D  Website  A website to serve as a public resource summarizing information on the variousCOVID-19 molecular diagnostics and serology tests to delineate their functional characteristics
SOM Christenson, R  Specimen Testing De-identified samples will be tested for COVID 19 antibodies via the CDC ELISA method.  
SOM Hines, E Secondary research  Effect of COVID-19 on Intentional Exposures Reported to Poison Control Centers
SOM  Buehler,P   Sample Analysis  Evaluation of mechanisms driving plasma coagulation and fibrinolysis in mild, moderate and sever COVID-19 patients.
SOP Mattingly,J Secondary research  Cross-sectional analysis of publicly available crowdfunding posts on GoFundMe related to COVID-19
SOM Driscoll, C Secondary research  Programmatic Evaluation of the COVID Clinical Mobility Program
SOM Cloeren, M. Information System Information system to permit rapid identification, tracking, risk determination, status monitoring, and necessary public health notifications about UMB and associated UM organizations (UMMS, FPI, UMMC) employees exposed to patients with COVID-19
SOM Christenson, R Specimen Collection Collection of Residual Samples for COVID 19 Method Comparison Testing
SOM Christenson, R Assays Comparison Evaluation of multiple SARS-CoV-2Antibody assays. Comparison of Specificity and Sensitivity across Multiple Siemens platforms and two competitive assays.
SOM Jeudy, J Registry UMMS COVID-19 Image Data Repository
SOM Bruns, B Registry Surgical Critical Care During COVID-19 Pandemic
SOM Turan, S Database Pregnancy Outcomes In SARS CoV 2 Epidemic
SOM Chen, W Health surveillance Maryland Department of Health Serological Surveillance in Hospital EDs
SSW Candelaria, M Qualitative Interviews Map to Success Qualitative Interviews about experiences of pregnant and parenting youth and service providers in Baltimore City
SOD Martinho, F Sample Collection Index of microbial air contamination and surface during routine endodontic procedures
SOM Leekha, S Health surveillance Quality Improvement Utilizing COVID Antigen Test at the ±¬ÁϹ«Éç Upper Chesapeake Health
SOM Neuzil, K Specimen Testing COVID-19 Testing on Samples Collected in TyVAC Malawi Study
SOM Rolfo, C Specimen Testing Process Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid Samples, Respiratory Secretion Samples, and Blood Samples from COVID Patients
SOM Cloeren, M Health surveillance COVID-19 Management and Communication Form in REDCap
SOD Mehls, R Secondary research COVID-19: A Major Barrier to the Use of The Piezo in Dental Hygiene
SON Resnick, K Secondary research Evaluating the Psychosocial Impact of COVID-19 Among Assisted Living Residents with Dementia
SOM Campbell, J Recruitment Tool Pediatric COVID-19 Recruitment Tool
SOM Deming, M Specimen Testing Seasonal coronavirus immunity and effects on SARS-COV-2 immune response