Faculty and Staff

All newly hired faculty and staff are required to attend New Employee Onboarding by their first day.

You will be registered for Onboarding by your department representative. The location, time, and parking information will be included in a welcome email that will be sent when registration is complete. At the Onboarding session, members of the Human Resource Services team will welcome you to UMB, review the benefits of your employment, and collect all required forms and information.

Our New Hire Checklist is designed to support you through the onboarding process so you will be ready for your first day.

PDF version of the New Hire Checklist (Regular)

The following tasks must be completed prior to attending your onboarding session. Review the for instructions on completing these requirements.

  1. Complete the I-9 Form
  2. Submit Supplemental Data Form Documentation
  3. Upload a Photo for your ID Badge
  4. Complete Payroll forms (Federal Tax Withholding, State Tax Withholding, and Direct Deposit). Forms must be typed and signed/dated in black ink.
  5. Review retirement plan options. State law requires all regular faculty and staff to enroll in a retirement plan immediately upon employment.
  6. Register for parking (if applicable)