Investigator Resources
ICTR Cores of Services
The UMB ICTR Brings Together Experts Across Campus To Provide Free Hours of Fundamental Research Services to the UMB Faculty*.
How to Apply: Click on any of the cores listed below and scroll down to the "How to Apply..." section. Use your UMB username and password to log into the webpage housing the application link. You can apply for any of the ICTR-supported Cores of services in the same application. PLEASE NOTE: ONLY FACULTY CAN APPLY FOR ICTR RESOURCES. RESOURCES ARE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STUDENTS, RESIDENTS, OR FELLOWS *Restrictions
Faculty from JHU, UMBC, and UMCP, please email with inquiry about how to access ICTR resources.
The ICTR Biostatistics Core of services provides: ▾
- Biostatistical support in the design, implementation, and interpretation of clinical translational research studies.
- Up to 25 hours of free services.
The ICTR Community and Collaboration Core (CCC) of services provides: ▾
- Expert patient- and community-centered services and resources, such as the PATIENTS program, help in setting up focus groups, developing participant instruction videos, and more.
- Up to 50 hours of free services.
- Access to a Research Vehicle to transport research staff and supplies into the community.
The ICTR Dissemination and Implementation (D&I) Core of services helps: ▾
- Researchers move clinical translational research findings beyond the academic and scientific communities and out to the general community where it can have the most impact in reducing health outcome disparities.
- Without considering how to disseminate and implement findings out into the general community in the early phases of research protocol design, the information risks stopping at the scientific publication or presentation and fails to reach the intended population and/or general public.
- When considering the available ICTR resources, D&I should also be considered in tandem if requesting consultation services from other ICTR Cores of services.
The ICTR Drug Discovery and Development (DDD) Core of services provides: ▾
Up to 25 hours of free services in each of the following 4 areas:
- Computer-Aided Drug Design (CADD)
- Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacometrics
- Mass Spectrometry
- Drug Formulation
The ICTR Informatics Core of services provides: â–¾
TriNetX and Access to EPIC clinical data (UMMC and other UMMS clinical sites); Clinical and Research Imaging Informatics; REDCap assistance; Consultation with UMBC Machine Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Cybersecurity Consultation on Web-based Research and EHR; Access to Medicare, IQVIA, and NCI Data
- Unlimited use of TriNetX
- Up to 100 hours of support to access EPIC clinical data (UMMC and other UMMS clinical sites) and
- Up to 25 hours of support available for each of the following:
- Clinical and Research Imaging Informatics
- REDCap assistance
- Consultation with UMBC Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Cybersecurity
- Consultation on Web-based Research and EHR
- Access to Medicare, IQVIA, and NCI Data requires ICTR Voucher Application
Visit ICTR Informatics Core Services for more information and how to apply.
The ICTR Navigators are here to: â–¾
- Help direct investigators to the clinical translational research services they need and advise them on the “next steps.”
- The ICTR Navigators serve as the UMB ResearchMatch Liaisons and can direct researchers on how to use the participant registry.
The ICTR Research Ethics Advisory Core of services (REAS) provides: â–¾
- Consultation and assistance in addressing ethical issues throughout the entire research process, including planning, implementation, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination/publication.
- Guidance on ethical principles such as autonomy, beneficence, and justice, as well as support for informed consent and handling unforeseen events in research activities.
The ICTR Studios Program Core of services provides: â–¾
A series of integrated, dynamic, and interactive "roundtable" discussions to assist the researcher by providing expertise in areas such as:
- Hypothesis generation
- Study design
- Biostatistics
- Implementation
- Analysis and interpretation
- Recruitment
- Research ethics
Please note that Studios are customized to the research area of interest. Once your request is received, it may take up to 8 weeks or more to coordinate the schedules of the faculty who will be contributing to the Studio discussion. This depends on the time of year and the number of Studios already in the queue. Please plan for this time.
If the request is time sensitive, please consider individual consultations with the ICTR Cores of Services to help with sections of the grants, such as the statistical section, dissemination & implementation, community engagement, etc. Consults with the individual core service providers can typically occur within a week or so.
- ICTR cores of service are available only to
- UMB Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor level faculty with a minimum 51% FTE UMB appointment
- ICTR Core service hours
- Cannot be committed in a grant application
- Hours must be exhausted within 12 months
- Cannot be encumbered for future use and
- Cannot be transferred to another project or researcher
- If the ICTR Core consultant determines that the hours of service needed exceed the ICTR cap, the consultant may request approval for additional hours from ICTR Leadership. Since ICTR resources are finite, the researcher should be prepared to cover the cost for service hours that exceed the ICTR cap.
- For non-ICTR Core services, such as UMB Cores listed in these links , consider the UMB ICTR Voucher program. The Voucher program may be able to help defray the cost of services from these non-ICTR Cores. Some community-engaged research expenses may also be eligible for the Voucher program. Visit the Voucher webpage for more information
Questions? Several ICTR Navigators are on hand to help you with the "next steps." Please email