Proposals routing to me

The Proposals routing to me card will display any proposal where the logged in user is in the approval path for the document.

Dashboard Cards

A proposal will display if you're up for approval (i.e., a proposal is currently in your Action List) and will show how many steps away in the routing it is until a proposal appears in your Action List. You can click on the row in the card to open the record and take the necessary action. Once you take action, the proposal will drop off the Proposals routing to me card. If a proposal is recalled or returned, or if someone else at your approval stop takes action, it will be removed from the card.

Click on the Compliance tag to get a quick view of each compliance item and its status.

KR Dashboard Filters - Each Dashboard card now has a Filter option. If you select a filter, the filter remains applied until deleted or modified. .

Screenshot of

If you are not an approver and this card is always blank for you, click on the Show/hide cards button at the top right of the Dashboard page. Then toggle Proposals Routing to Me option.

Screenshots of the show/hide cards button and resulting options