NIH Data Management & Sharing

NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy

Attachments and Budget instructions for Kuali Research

NIH information about the DMS Policy

The policy applies to:
  • Research projects (R-series and others)
  • Some Career Development awards (K-series)
  • SBIR/STTR (UMB would be a subrecipient)
  • Research centers (such as P- and U-series)

Search the Funding Opportunity Announcement for “Data Management and Sharing Plan” to check for possible special instructions.

The DMS Plan

The PI writes the DMS Plan. DMS Plans are recommended to be two pages or less in length.  However, plans developed in DMPTool are usually longer and are still valid. The Plan must include subrecipient responsibilities, when applicable.

Resources for the PI

 The DMPTool is an online system that helps investigators create data management plans compliant with funder guidelines. To log in to the tool, go to and log in by (1) clicking Sign In, and (2) selecting the institutional login option. You can then log in with your UMB credentials.

DMS Plan Blank Format Page - NIH has developed an optional format that aligns with the recommended elements of a DMS Plan. REMINDER: As with other attachments, do NOT include any hyperlinks and URLs.

Attachments section, KR proposal

  • For research proposals, upload to narrative type: PHS_ResearchPlan_Other_Plans
  • For career development proposals, upload to narrative type: PHS_CareerDevelopmentAwardSupplement_Other_Plans

S2S Forms tab, KR proposal

DMS Plans will be included within the “Other Plan(s)” field on the PHS 398 Research Plan or PHS 398 Career Development Award Supplemental Form

NOTE:  The Resource Sharing Plan is now specifically for sharing model organisms, research tools, and other resources. It is required if applicable. Data sharing is addressed in the DMSPlan.

KR Budget and Justification

MODULAR BUDGET:  The Additional Narrative Justification is required when a Data Management and Sharing Plan is attached. 

The justification will be a half page or less. Upload it in the Attachments section. Use Narrative Type PHS_ModBud_NarrativeJustif

  • If there are DMS costs: Label this page “Data Management and Sharing Justification”.  Provide a brief summary of the type and amount of scientific data to be preserved/shared and the established repository to be used. Then justify the costs.  This is limited to a half page
  • If there are no DMS costs:  Label this page “Data Management and Sharing Justification”.  Specify that no costs will be incurred for Data Management and Sharing.


NOTE: The instructions below are valid for NIH proposal due dates before 10/5/2023. Effective for applications submitted for due dates on or after October 5, 2023, NIH will no longer require the use of the single DMS cost line item. While the single cost line item is no longer required, NIH will require applicants to specify estimated DMS cost details within the “Budget Justification” attachment of the R&R Budget Form or “Additional Narrative Justification” attachment of the PHS 398 Modular Budget Form, pursuant to the instructions.

In the Budget Module under Non-personnel costs, there must be a line item for “Data Management and Sharing Costs” when a Data Management and Sharing Plan is attached. In non-personnel costs, select Other Category Type, then 'Data Management and Sharing Costs' in Category, and finally 'Data Management and Sharing Costs' in Object Code.  

  • If a DMS Plan is attached, the budget line item MUST be included, even if zero.
  • Add the budget line in all project years

In the budget justification,

  • Include a brief justification of the activities proposed in the DMS Plan that will incur costs. The paragraph header for this justification must be labeled as "Data Management and Sharing Justification". Include a brief summary of the type and amount of scientific data to be preserved and shared, the name of the established repository(ies) to be used, and general cost categories. The length of the justification should be no more than half a page.
  • If there are no costs:  Label the paragraph “Data Management and Sharing Justification”.  Specify that no costs will be incurred for Data Management and Sharing.