Anticipated Award Type

The Anticipated Award Type is a required field on the Sponsor & Program Information section in Kuali Research (KR) Proposal Development. How do you know the appropriate selection?

Award Types in KR are used by UMCP, UMB, and UMCES, and we all have different processes. At UMB, route your Material Transfer Agreement to CCT (not through KR). Software licenses are signed by SSAS. Contact the Global Hub regarding International MOUs.

Funded Award Types


Cooperative Agreement


Indefinite Delivery Contract

Intergovernmental Personnel Assignment

Other Transaction Agreement

Unfunded Award Types

Data Use Agreement

Equipment Loan

Memorandum of Understanding

Non-Disclosure Agreement

Teaming Agreement

The funding opportunity or the proposed agreement often states the anticipated award type.

If you are routing a subaward, ask the prime applicant what award type is anticipated from the prime sponsor.  For example, if the other institution is applying for an NIH R01 grant, then use Grant as the anticipated award type for UMB.

Below is information about each award type.

Funded Award Types â–¾

Contract: A mechanism for procurement of a product or service with specific obligations for both sponsor and recipient. Typically, the sponsor specifies a research topic or a service and the methods for conducting the research/service in detail, although some sponsors award contracts in response to unsolicited proposals. There is an expectation of specific deliverables within a specified time frame. There is generally less flexibility in the method used for carrying out the plan of action. The idea for the project generally originates with the sponsor. If the sponsor is a Federal Agency, the contract is governed by the Federal Acquisitions Regulations (FAR). Contracts may be paid on a fixed price or cost reimbursement basis.

A ”memorandum of understanding” or an “Interagency Agreement” from a State of Maryland agency is considered a Contract.

Cooperative Agreement:  Cooperative Agreements are used when federal sponsors want to retain more active involvement in the conduct of the project. This active oversight may be evidenced by a high level of agency program officials advising on the project direction, more frequent reporting, or anticipated deliverables. The following characteristics describe a cooperative agreement:

  • fund projects conceived by an investigator, but often in response to specific research areas identified by the sponsor;
  • assume the project would not be possible without collaboration between the recipient and the sponsor;
  • anticipate sponsor involvement in and contribution to the technical aspects of the project

Grant:  A type of financial assistance awarded to the University, on behalf of an individual, for the conduct of research or another program as specified in an approved proposal. A grant is used whenever the awarding office anticipates no substantial programmatic involvement with the recipient during the performance of the activities. The statement of work allows the PI some freedom to change emphasis within the general area of work as the project progresses. A grant is a contractual document but does not carry the specific terms and conditions denoted in a "contract."

Fellowships and Career Development Awards are considered Grants.

Indefinite Delivery Contract:  There are three types of federal agency indefinite-delivery contracts: definite-quantity contracts, requirements contracts, and indefinite-quantity contracts. The appropriate type of indefinite-delivery contract may be used to acquire supplies and/or services when the exact times and/or exact quantities of future deliveries are not known at the time of contract award. Task-order contract is a type of Indefinite Delivery Contract for services that does not procure or specify a firm quantity of services (other than a minimum or maximum quantity) and that provides for the issuance of orders for the performance of tasks during the period of the contract.

Intergovernmental Personnel Assignment:  Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) Agreements are agreements for the assignment of personnel and reimbursement of salary and fringe benefits between the Federal government and state and local governments, colleges and universities, Indian tribal governments, federally funded research and development centers, and other eligible organizations. Use this award type for Joint Personnel Assignment (JPA) Agreements, which are agreements for the assignment of personnel and reimbursement of salary and fringe benefits between UMB and the Baltimore Research and Education Foundation (BREF), the VA's Foundation. UMB enters into JPA agreements when an individual is hired by UMB but is temporarily assigned to work on a BREF-funded project.

Other Transaction Agreement: A unique type of legal instrument other than a contract, grant, or cooperative agreement that gives the federal agency additional flexibility to negotiate terms and conditions appropriate for the specific program. Generally, this awarding instrument is not subject to the FAR, nor grant regulations unless otherwise noted for certain provisions in the terms and conditions of award. It is, however, subject to the OT authority that governs the initiative as well as applicable legislative mandates.

Unfunded Award Types â–¾

Data Use Agreement:  A contractual document used for the transfer of data that has been developed by UMB or another nonprofit, government or private industry entity, where the data is nonpublic or is otherwise subject to some restrictions on its use.

Equipment Loan Agreement: A legal contract between a lender and a borrower outlining the contact details and the terms and conditions of borrowing equipment. This agreement allows the lender to lend specific equipment to the borrower for a specified period, while the borrower agrees to use the equipment responsibly and return it in the same condition at the end of the loan period.

Memorandum of Understanding: A type of agreement between two (bilateral) or more (multilateral) parties that expresses a convergence of will between the parties, indicating an intended common line of action. It is often used either in cases where parties do not imply a legal commitment or in situations where the parties cannot create a legally enforceable agreement.

Non-Disclosure Agreement:  Also known as a Confidentiality Agreement, Confidential Disclosure Agreement, Proprietary Information Agreement, or Secrecy Agreement. A legal agreement between at least two parties which outlines information the parties wish to share with one another for certain evaluation purposes, but wish to restrict from wider use and dissemination.

Teaming Agreement: An agreement entered into by parties agreeing to participate in a collaborative effort. The preparation and submission of a single proposal from multiple collaborating institutions is an instance in which a teaming agreement may be utilized.