New Faculty and Other FAQs

What is the process for getting a new faculty member to "show up" in the employee look-up in Kuali Research (KR)? Do new faculty still need to certify? (Yes!) Why doesn't our student or our UMMC resident appear in KR? Can we just add the person to the Address Book? (Maybe)

Kuali Research Employee Look-up: 

Also known as the "Person Table".  Employee data is populated in KR from the Human Resources (HR) feed and includes (1) anyone on the UMB payroll and (2) active records in the UMB Community System that include a request for KR access. A person must appear in the Employee look-up in KR to be a PI on a proposal and certify the proposal.

My PI's name is wrong in KR

The information in KR comes from HR. A "preferred name" can be set up to populate KR.  Preferred name instructions

My PI's title is wrong in KR

Kuali Research data on UMB employees are updated daily from the HR data feed. The PI should go to the myUMB portal, find the card labeled “Self-Service”, and select “My Employee/Affiliate Info” to update their Functional Title.

My PI/Key Person doesn't appear in the Employee Lookup

Step 1:  Does the person appear in the UMB campus directory?  If yes, go to step 2. 

If no, add the person as a UMB Affiliate: Have your HR liaison enter the person in the Community System.

Step 2:  Request access to Kuali Research for Affiliates, Students, and Residents: Either the individual (affiliate, student, or resident) or the department's HR liaison may request access to Kuali Research via the . After the Community System (if applicable) and App Request records are processed/approved, the HR feed will update KR. This sequence may take a few days, especially for new affiliates.

Step 3:  Complete and submit a User Request form to give a new PI or other user access in KR to review and certify the proposal.

  • New PIs and affiliates should go to the myUMB Portal page and click "First Time User, Setup Your Password". Contact the CITS help desk ( if you have problems with this step.
  • New faculty resources

Kuali Research Non-employee Look-up: 

Also known as the "Address Book" or "Rolodex". These records are entered by request of Kuali Research users. The Address Book contains non-UMB employees including subrecipient investigators, consultants, sponsor contacts, and others. Use the Address Request form. To update an existing Address Book (Non-employee Look-up) record, email the information that needs to be updated to SPA

If an individual will be the PI on a UMB proposal, follow the instructions above to add the person to the KR employee look-up, since the PI must certify the proposal. In most other cases, the person can be added to the Address Book and will appear in the KR non-employee look-up.