
Search Windows and Searching

General tips for searching in Kuali Research

KR Navigation and Search Guide

Search Records omni search functionality

Kuali Research may intentionally limit search results. For example, for some searches like Proposals, results are limited to the first 499 found by the system. Narrow the search by entering additional information into the search fields.

  • For larger amounts of data (e.g., all results for a prolific investigator or all results for a department) use Quantum Analytics.

Scroll down to see your search results.

If you will need to return to your search results, the right-click option may work. Right-click to open the selection in a new tab, and your search results will still be there for you in the other tab.

Searching for a UMB Performance Site? Enter UMB in the Last Name field of the Address Book look-up window. Over 80 results will appear. Sort by column headings.

When searching for a proposal, subaward, or award, select Common Tasks from the left navigation and then select the search link.

To search for addresses, sponsors, or organizations (subrecipients) when you are not creating a proposal:

  • From the left navigation bar, select All Links.
  • Start typing the search desired in the 鈥淪earch for a Link鈥 field (e.g., Address), and then select the link.
    • Address Book: Use this search to find non-UMB persons or performance sites. Hint: To find UMB performance sites, enter UMB in the Last Name field of the Address Book look-up.
    • Sponsor: Click on the the Sponsor Code in the results to see the Sponsor's address. As a rule, this address will be the headquarters or sponsored projects office address.
    • Organization: Use this search to find Subrecipients. Click on the Organization ID for more details about the organization.
  • Use the *asterisk*: Get in the habit of using an asterisk on each side of your search term in the look-up.
    • This is helpful for searching for persons with two last names (is it hyphenated? is the name entered as two last names or middle and last?) Example: *jones*
    • It is also helpful when searching for a sponsor or organization. The legal name of the sponsor or organization may differ from the commonly used name. Example: *stanford*
  • To add a new non-UMB person, Sponsor, or Subrecipient in Kuali Research, submit the Address Request.

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