Supplemental Info

The Supplemental Information section of Kuali Research contains "custom" fields for data collection. There are two tabs for UMB:  "Baltimore - General" and "Baltimore - SPAC Required Fields". 

Baltimore - General tab

COVID-19 funding (yes/no) - required. Check YES if you are routing a proposal through KR that is going to be awarded with COVID-19 designated funds. If the proposal is awarded you must have a segment set up with UCOVID19 purpose so that SPAC will be able to choose that field in purpose field of Quantum Financials.

Financial Department - required - enter the unit that will manage financial matters if the proposal is funded.

NIH/AHRQ Activity Code - required for all NIH and AHRQ proposals, for proposals that we are submitting to NIH or AHRQ (not when we are participating as a subrecipient)

Valid values are: D43, F30, F31, F32, K01, K07, K08, K23, K99, P01, P30, P50, R00, R01, R03, R21, R24, R25, R35, R61, RF1, S10, T32, U01, U19, U24, U41, U54, UG1, UG3, UH3, UM1, Other K, Other, and N/A

  • Entries are case-sensitive. The validation will generate an error message if a code is not entered at all, or if a code value is not entered exactly as expected.
  • The anticipated activity type is typically part of the Funding Opportunity Announcement.
  • The entry “Other” should be used if the NIH Activity Code you need is not on the list (for example, R13, RM1, C06).
  • The entry “N/A” should be used if the proposal is not for a grant, fellowship, or cooperative agreement, and therefore does not have an NIH Activity Code. Examples are contracts, task orders, and IPA agreements.

Quantum Activity and Quantum Purpose - not required for proposal submission in KR, but data will be used for Project set-up if entered

Sponsor Protocol Number (30 characters maximum) - required if Activity Type is Clinical Trial. if there is no protocol number to reference, enter “not available”.

Third Party Payer Name (50 characters maximum) - required if Activity Type is Clinical Trial. If payment to UMB will be issued via a 3rd party payer: fill in the name of the company (the CRO, for example).  If payment to UMB will be issued directly from the Sponsor, then enter: not applicable

Baltimore - SPAC Required Fields tab

The data for these fields is found in the budget.  For unfunded agreements, enter responses as noted below. 

F&A Rate - required.  Use digits only - no percent sign.  Enter 0 for unfunded agreements.

F&A Type - required. Select MTDC, TDC, or Other.  Enter Other for unfunded agreements.

On/Off Campus - required. Enter ON or OFF to designate which rate was applied in the budget. Enter ON for unfunded agreements.

Instructions: Find the indirect cost data in your KR budget â–¾

In the budget module of your KR proposal, select Budget Settings from the top navigation menu. 

Screenshot from Kuali Research budget module

On/Off Campus

If the On Campus Flag is set to Default or All On, the On-Campus Rate is applied. Enter ON in the Supplemental Info field.

If the On Campus Flat is set to All Off, the Off-Campus Rate is applied. Enter OFF in the Supplemental Info field

F&A Type

If the F&A Rate Type begins with MTDC, select MTDC in the Supplemental Info field.

If the F&A Rate Type is TDC, select TDC in the Supplemental Info field.

For all other F&A Rate Types, select Other in the Supplemental Info field.


In the budget module of your KR proposal, select Rates from the left navigation menu

screenshot from Kuali Research budget module

In the Rates table, use the budget settings information to find the correct line, then enter the Applicable Rate in the Supplemental Info field. 

Example 1:  F&A Type = MTDC, Off Campus rate is applied.  Applicable rate = 26.00

Example 2:  F&A Type = TDC.  Applicable rate = 50.00 regardless of whether On or Off Campus.