One Card Forms

Request for One Card Account Closure â–¾

To request permanent closure of your One Card account and a refund of your balance, print and complete a Request for One Card Account Closure form. To be eligible to close your account, you must be a withdrawing or graduating student or an employee who is separating from the University. Refund requests are charged an administrative processing fee of $10 and will require a minimum remaining balance of $5 after the processing fee is deducted to be eligible for a refund. Requests are processed through the state of Maryland, and you should expect a refund check within approximately three weeks. If the department has to issue a refund over one year after separation from the University, there will be a $20 administrative fee applied to all refundable balances over $50 or more. Refunds will not be issued for balances less than $50 under these circumstances. Refund balances $100 or more require a W9 form with the account closure request.

To download and complete a Request for One Card Account Closure form, click here. Please hand-deliver or mail this form along with your original signature to the address below:

One Card Office
SMC Campus Center, Room 004
621 W. Lombard St.
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: 410-706-6943

Deposit by Check to Your One Card Debit Account â–¾

To deposit funds by check to your One Card debit account, please download and complete the Deposit By Check and mail or deliver to the One Card office below:

One Card Office
SMC Campus Center, Room 004
621 W. Lombard St.
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: 410-706-6943

JE Form â–¾

Please download the One Card JE Form complete the chartstring information, and mail or deliver it to the One Card office below:

One Card Office
SMC Campus Center, Room 004
621 W. Lombard St.
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: 410-706-6943