One Card ID Online Photo Submission

Important FAQs

  1. This process is required for first-year registered students and employee onboarding. We will not take your photo in the office. New faculty, staff, affiliates and contractors are welcomed to utilize the photo submission form.

  2. We do not mail out any individual IDs. They must be picked up at the office.
  3. After submitting your photo using the submission process below, you will receive a reply email that states: Thank You – We have received your photo – within the next few days you will receive another email that your photo has been processed and is ready to be picked up. If after 20 minutes you do not receive the reply email, please retry the process or skip to FAQ 4 below and try the alternate method.
  4. After you submit your photo, please be patient. If you haven't received that second email (generally within two business days) that your photo is ready for pickup, then you can check the status of your card by email or phone (410-706-6943). We also utilize an alternate method of sending your photo by email as an attachment. Just open your email program and compose a new email. You can then send your photo as an attachment to along with your name, school, and birthdate in the body of the email. It will then be processed and you will receive an email from us stating that your Campus One Card is ready to be picked up. Human Resources will give prior notice to employees receiving their IDs during the onboarding session.
  5. You must be registered for classes/employment or we will not have an active record to attach your photo to.
  6. You may receive some information by mail concerning the mailing out of a card. The One Card Office does not mail out any campus IDs. That information is possibly from HIGHERONE, which we are in no way affiliated with. Please contact the 800 number on the letter or the Financial Aid Office at 410-706-7347 if you have any questions.
  7. Please be sure you are registered for classes before you come to or call our office; there is nothing we can do if you have no record in our system. If you are not sure, please contact your school's registration office (each school has its own) and make certain that you are registered. You also can search for your name in the  If you find your name in this directory, then you are in the system and we can produce your Campus ID/One Card. Please note: You may submit your photo before you are registered but you must let us know when you are registered so we can process your ID. Send us an email to let us know you are registered. 
  8. There is an online ID that can be printed out by students. It is for online students as well as any students but it is not to be used as a replacement for the on-campus ID/One Card, so please read the information about it carefully at this link .  

One Card Photo Requirements and Tips

  • The fastest and simplest method is to use your cellphone to snap a picture of yourself in front of a white type of wall and send it in! The tips below are only suggestions.
  • We'll do the cropping (sizing of the photo), so don't worry about the size of the photo, just point the cellphone at yourself and snap the picture. 
  • Your picture must be a recent color photo showing your head and shoulders at least in the photo and no older than six months.
  • You must be facing forward (no sideways-facing shots or side profiles), in front of a plain-white or off-white background
  • Your background must not have any other objects showing or your photo will not be accepted.
  • Please, no sunglasses, hats, funny faces, etc. Headpieces are OK only if worn for religious purposes.
  • Your picture file should be in .JPG format.
  • There can be no borders on the photo.
  • The picture must clearly identify you and be of good quality.
  • Please do not upload copyrighted photos.

We will need to match your name and photo with your government-issued photo ID (driver's license, passport, etc.) to pick up your card.

Sample Photo

  Photo requirement details

Suggestions for a Successful Photo

  1. Frame subject with full face, front view, eyes open.
  2. Make sure photo presents full head from top of hair to bottom of chin.
  3. Center head within borders.
  4. Photograph subject against a plain white or off-white background.
  5. Position subject and lighting so there are no distracting shadows on the face or background.
  6. Encourage subject to have a natural expression.

Acceptable Photo

Unacceptable Photos

Sample photo Too DarkToo dark- pic Too ContrastBad contrast- pic Bad crop- pic
Just Right! Too Dark Bad Contrast Bad Crop

Once you are registered, complete the Submission Form below and attach a photo. Your ID will be ready when you arrive on campus!

Your first, middle, and last name must match exactly the way it is printed on a government-issued photo ID (driver's license, passport, etc.). To speed up the process, please submit your photo file by naming it first name first and last name last (e.g., Jane Doe.jpg).
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