Seed Grants 2008-2012

2012 Awardees

Zhongjun (Jon) Wu (UMB), Bartley P. Griffith (UMB), John R. Hess (UMB), and Peter Kofinas (UMCP):
Synthetic Polymer Functional Hydrogel for Hemorrhage Control

Dr. Feyruz Rassool (UMB), Dr. Volker Briken (UMCP), and Dr. Lyle Isaacs (UMCP):
Enhancing solubility of DNA ligase inhibitors for increased efficacy in mouse models of breast cancer

Mark Smith (UMB) and Rama Chellappa (UMCP):
Prediction of Cardiac Electrophysiology Tissue Properties from Functional Nuclear Medicine Images

Robert K. Ernst (UMB) and George A. Belov (UMCP):
Dramatic increase of fatty acid activation in infected cells: key trigger of viral replication complex formation and a new prospect for antiviral drug development

Nilesh Mistry (UMB), Warren D'Souza (UMB), Rao Gullapalli (UMB), Michael Naslund (UMB), and Amitabh Varshney (UMCP):
Improving Cancer Foci Detection in Prostate Cancer Using Multiparametric MRI/MRS and Machine Learning to better manage the disease

Steven Fletcher (UMB) and Jeffrey John DeStefano (UMCP):
Synthetic Beta-Hairpin Flap Mimetics as Allosteric Inhibitors of HIV-1 Protease

Richard F. Macko (UMB) and J. Carson Smith (UMCP):
Translational Neuroimaging of Brain Function and Memory After an Exercise Intervention in Older Adults

Wengen Chen (UMB), Vasken Dilsizian (UMB), and Liqing Yu, MD (UMCP):
18F-Proline PET/CT Imaging for the Detection of Early Liver Fibrosis

Danna Zimmer (UMB), Rosemary Schuh (UMB), and Mary Ann Ottinger (UMCP):
BL355: A Complex Biologic for the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease

Feng Jiang (UMB), Shunyuan Xiao (UMCP), Seong-Ho Lee (UMCP), and Roy Mariuzza (UMCP):
Induction of apoptosis by 14-3-3 sequestration using synthetic proteins

2011 Awardees â–¾

Andrew Goldberg (UMB) and Eva Chin (UMCP):
The Role of Skeletal Muscle Glycoproteins in Insulin Resistance in Type 2 Diabetes

Mark Cowan (UMB) and Donald Milton (UMCP):
Novel Exhaled Breath Biomarker Detection

Joseph Cheer (UMB) and Matthew Roesch (UMCP):
The Role of Dopamine in Signaling Prediction Errors During Observational Learning in Normal Rats and in Rat Models of Autism

Timm-Michael Dickfeld (UMB) and Jaydev Desai (UMCP):
Accurate Robotic in-situ Diagnosis of Ablation Targets for Atrial Fibrillation

Christy Chang (UMB)and Sridhar Hannenhalli (UMCP):
Combining Genome-Wide Association Studies, Comparative Genomics and Genomic Annotation to Understand the Genetic Basis of Complex Diseases

Dawn Alley (UMB) and Joan Kahn (UMCP):
Developing a Model Linking Financial Strain and Health in Older Adults

Rao Gullapalli (UMB) and Balakumar Balachandran (UMCP):
Influence of High Strain Induced Intercellular Moisture Flow on Brain Tissue Material Properties

2010 Awardees â–¾

Rebecca Brotman (UMB) and Elbert Glover (UMCP):
Collecting data on the effects of cigarette smoking and its relationship to bacterial vagiosis

Joseph Kao (UMB) and Patrick Kanold (UMCP):
Study the brain circuitry of live animals using an inert molecule coupled with new imaging technology

Elizabeth Powell (UMB) and John Fisher (UMCP):
Refine a bioengineered drug delivery system to transport hepatocytes

Patrick Bavoil (UMB) and Vincent Lee (UMCP):
Decrease the incidence of antibiotic-resistance drugs

Jakob Simon (UMB) and Doron Levy (UMCP):
Designing mathematical models that can assist in a vaccine for Shigella bacteria

Larry Forrester (UMB)and Jose Contreras-Vidal (UMCP):
Assessing the cortical control of gait, for people using artificial limbs

Amy Fulton (UMB) and Ian White (UMCP):
Developing a micro total analysis system for selective nano culture mammospheres

2009 Awardees â–¾

Reuben Mezrich (UMB), Cha-Min Tang (UMB), and Yu Chen (UMCP):
Multi-Modality and Multi-Scale Imaging of Breast Cancer / A Novel Imaging Probe for Interventional and Surgical Procedures

Gary Fiskum (UMB) and William Fourney (UMCP):
Brain Injury Caused by Explosions: Mechanisms & Neuroprotection

Kevin W Chen (UMB) and Carl W. Lejuez (UMCP):
Integrative Meditation as an Adjunct Therapy in Treating Cocaine Addiction

Sharon M. Gordon (UMB) and Tongtong Wu (UMCP):
Evaluation of Behavioral and Molecular-Genetic Contributions to Pain Experience in Humans

Eliot Siegel (UMB) and Yang Tao (UMCP):
A Novel Combined Multimodal Multispectral Ultra Low-Dose X-Ray and Photon-Selective Imaging Technology for Non-Contrast Agent Differentiation of Vasculatures, Tissues, and Abnormalities

Bruce Yu (UMB) and Yu Chen (UMCP):
Mechanical Characterizations of Force-responsive Peptide-based Biomaterials with Optical Coherence Elastography and Dynamic Rheometry

Ebere Onukwugha (UMB) and Mei-Ling Ting Lee (UMCP):
Hospital admissions among veterans with congestive heart failure: the role of medical noncompliance and mental illness

Andrei Medvedev (UMB) and Volker Briken (UMCP):
Molecular Mechanisms of Impaired Sensing of Mycobacteria and Their Components by TLR2 and TLR4 Polymorphic Variants

Mark E. Shirtliff (UMB) and Kevin S. McIver (UMCP):
Identification of determinants essential for biofilm formation and virulence in methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) using a global genetic approach

2008 Awardees â–¾

Christopher Plowe (UMB) and Michael Cummings (UMCP):
will work together to better understand the basis for resistance in a parasite causing malaria to a class of drugs derived from a Chinese herb

Bartley Griffith (UMB) and Peter Kofinas (UMCP):
will work together to develop molecular imprinted polymer coatings to enhance the biocompatibility of artificial lungs

Robert Bloch (UMB) and Sameer Shah (UMCP):
will work together to examine the roles of intermediate filaments in the stability and function of skeletal muscles

Angela Wilks (UMB) and Iqbal Hamza (UMCP):
will work together using genetic, genomic and cell biochemical approaches to elucidate the molecular mechanisms that underlie host-pathogen interactions

Abdu Azad (UMB) and Siba Samal (UMCP):
will work together to develop an efficacious and safe vaccine for highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (H5N1 Vietnam/1203/04 strain)

Scott Thompson (UMB) and Hey-Kyoung Lee (UMCP):
will work together to explore the concept of using homeostatic synaptic plasticity to better understand how the human brain responds to changes in activity after injury or loss of peripheral sensory inputs

Alan Shuldiner (UMB) and Adam Hsieh (UMCP):
will work together to study genetic modifiers of disease phenotypes as they relate to osteogenesis imperfecta, a heritable form of osteoporosis

Sarah Michel (UMB) and Steve Rokita (UMCP):
will work together to develop a new class of gene therapy agents based upon a zinc finger protein platform