New Faculty at UMB

Moving to UMB: Managing your grants and contracts

Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) in the Office of Research and Development (ORD) works with principal investigators (PIs) and their department administrators to facilitate the transfer of grants and other awards from another institution to UMB, and to assist new PIs with proposal routing and review.

New faculty at UMB should work with their department administration during the onboarding process. In SPA, the point of contact for proposal and grant transfer assistance is the Proposals Team.

Proposal Development and Routing â–¾

UMB uses Kuali Research for proposal development and internal routing. The proposal must be certified by the PI in Kuali Research before submission to the sponsor.

Work through your UMB department administrator to obtain your Employee ID. If a proposal will be prepared and routed before your UMB appointment begins, your UMB department administrator will assist in obtaining your .  Your administrator will request access to Kuali Research, or may ask you to log into the using your UMB credentials to request access to Kuali Research.

After you have the Employee ID or Affiliate ID/App Request, you or your UMB department administrator should complete the Kuali Research User Roles Request and request the UMB Principal Investigator user role.

Once you have been granted User roles in Kuali Research, you can log into Kuali Research via the  to edit, review, and certify your proposal. Select the link "First Time User, Setup Your Password" for initial access to the Portal. Email or call the IT Help Desk at 410-706-4357 if you need assistance with myUMB Portal access.

More detail about Kuali Research access

Sponsor systems

Contact Colin Hunter regarding access to NSF Fastlane and/or eRA Commons. Even if you already have an eRA Commons User ID or existing Fastlane account, it will need to be affiliated with UMB.

Transfer proposals

Sponsor requirements vary for transferring an award from one institution to another. The following information is helpful for determining sponsor requirements and entering the proposal in Kuali Research:

  • Copies of current award documents (grants or agreements) for all active awards
  • Copies of the most recent proposal or progress report
  • Contact information for each sponsor (if not included with award document)
  • Information about pending proposals that are likely to be funded
  • Contact information for the institutional sponsored programs representative at the former institution

A proposal must be routed for each transferring award. In addition, if you will receive a subaward from your former institution for ongoing collaborative work, you will need to route the scope of work and budget for each of those projects as well.

Budget and Financial Issues for Transferring Awards â–¾

Work with your department administrator to develop budgets for each of the awards to be transferred. SPA can provide guidance with regard to sponsor policies or UMB procedures, but responsibility for budget development rests with the department.

  • Budget period: Usually from date of transfer to UMB through the end of the current budget period for the award.
  • Budget amount: Total amount (direct plus F&A costs) on these transfer applications should equal the total amount of unobligated balance that will be reported by the former institution (amount remaining at time of termination from former institution) for the current budget period.
  • UMB facilities and administrative (F&A) costs
  • UMB fringe benefit rates
  • Effort commitment: The percent effort (person-months) committed by the PI and by any key personnel who will remain on the budget should be consistent with the effort committed in the original proposal, unless a reduced percent effort has been approved by the sponsor. This is essential for federal awards and many foundation-funded awards; for other projects, discuss questions or concerns with your SPA team.
  • Proposed subawards: A budget, justification, and scope of work are required from each proposed subrecipient. For federal proposals, if the subrecipient has a federal negotiated F&A rate agreement, the subrecipient must also provide a copy or a link to the document.

Sponsored Project Compliance Issues â–¾

Training: When applicable, begin taking required training.

Protocol submission: Submit protocols as early as possible so that the approvals are in place by the time the sponsor is ready to issue an award to UMB. Request for research registrations.

Foreign nationals: Work with the Office of International Services to obtain the appropriate visa for any new employee or visiting scientist who is not a U.S. citizen or a U.S. permanent resident. ORD's export compliance officers will review the foreign national's information and proposed activities to ensure that there are no restrictions that would require an export license or other U.S. government authorization. Work with your department administration to facilitate deemed export review for foreign national employees and visiting scholars.

Equipment Transfers to UMB â–¾

The list of equipment transferred to UMB must be provided to Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) for acceptance. The equipment list will then be provided to Financial Services for entry into the UMB inventory.

Material Transfer Agreements â–¾

A Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) may be needed if you are bringing research materials from your former institution.

Active MTAs should be terminated by the former institution. The provider organization will advise whether the material should be destroyed or returned, or it may give permission to transfer the material to UMB. However, transfer of the material to the UMB will require a new MTA between the provider organization and UMB.