Campaign Results

Proud to Work Here, Proud to Give Here

Celebrating 6 Years of Success and Impact

The PROUD TO WORK HERE. PROUD TO GIVE HERE. campaign is a Universitywide fundraising effort exclusively for UMB faculty and staff. They are invited to show their pride with a gift to the school, scholarship, program, cause, or initiative that matters most to them.

Thank you to all who participated in the sixth year of the employee giving campaign. You have a lot to be PROUD of.




in gifts and pledge payments









  • 40% donors with more than one gift
  • 57% consecutive year donors
  • 102 First-Time Donors
  • 251 donors with multiple gifts
  • 63 donors through payroll
  • $25 dollars most frequent amount
  • 134 Employees participating all 6 years  

Areas Supported

Areas of Greatest Need

Institutional Programs 

Research Activities

Student Scholarships and Endowments


Public Service Projects


Download the Campaign Results

Past Campaigns  â–¾
Campaign Facts from previous year campaigns are linked below. Campaigns are based on a fiscal year calendar (July 1 to June 30)