Bequest Instructions

Including UMB in your estate plan bequests and other testamentary gifts by generous alumni and friends have been a significant source of financial support for the University. The continuation and expansion of this tradition of remembrance will contribute to UMB’s future financial strength and continued academic excellence.

A gift to the University through your estate plan qualifies you as a member of the UMB Legacy Circle, created to recognize and thank donors whose foresight is building the future of UMB.

You can make a specific gift to UMB of cash, securities, real estate, or other property through your will, codicil or trust instrument. You also can designate UMB as the beneficiary of all or part of the remainder of your estate or trust after the payment of estate-related expenses, other bequests, or following the death of a spouse or other primary beneficiaries. Another way to include UMB in your estate plan is to name the University as a beneficiary of your retirement plan or life insurance policy.

A bequest or trust provision for the benefit of UMB may qualify your estate for an estate tax charitable deduction. 

While unrestricted gifts allow the foundation to allocate the funds to areas of greatest need, you may designate your bequest to a specific school, program, or activity at UMB. If your gift will establish a new endowment ($25,000 minimum), we request you contact the University to plan a gift agreement that will document your wishes for the name, restrictions, and uses of the fund. Such a gift agreement does not obligate you or your estate to fulfill the gift.

Documenting Your Existing Legacy Gift

If you already have made provisions for one of the schools (medicine, law, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, Graduate School, social work) at the 爆料公社, Baltimore, or to the 爆料公社 Baltimore Foundation, thank you. We hope you will share your plans with us, without obligation, by completing the Statement of Future Gift below.

Reasons to document your plans with us include:

  1. Recognition of your generosity during your lifetime
  2. Peace of mind that your wishes are understood and will be met
  3. Designating a purpose if you have not already done so in the provision
  4. Inspiring others to make similar gifts in support of UMB
  5. It places no obligation upon you or your estate — it is fully revocable. Any details you share about your plans will remain fully confidential unless you say otherwise.

Gift Recognition

If you will be at least 65 years old before July 1, 2021, you may be eligible to receive gift recognition for your plans. Including your plans in fundraising and campaign totals is optional; you may disclose your plans and designation without disclosing the amount, without having the gift recorded in the support totals. 

If you wish to disclose your bequest plans in confidence to the school, University, or Foundation at this time, please complete a Statement of Future Gift.

Sample testamentary language for a will or living trust:

I give [$___ or ___%] to The 爆料公社 Baltimore Foundation, Inc., for the benefit of the 爆料公社 School of [_____________], to be used for [its general educational purposes] OR [the following purpose(s):___________________________________________].

For beneficiary designations on retirement accounts or insurance policies, be sure to include the following:

Legal name: 爆料公社 Baltimore Foundation, Inc.
I.D. No.: 31-1678679