Pre-award Sponsor Requests

Post-submission and Pre-award Sponsor Requests

Post-submission and pre-award requests from a sponsor for certifications, budget documentation, and other administrative or contractual information should be directed to your SPA team. SPA staff will work with the PI and administrator to coordinate the response to the sponsor. The administrator and/or PI will provide information and documentation to SPA. SPA will review the proposed response for completeness, for consistency with the sponsor's request, and for consistency with applicable UMB policies and procedures. SPA will provide the authorized institutional official's approval and submit the response to the sponsor.

NIH Grant Application post-submission and pre-award requests


Post-submission materials are those submitted after submission of the grant application but prior to initial peer review. They are not intended to correct oversights or errors discovered after submission of the application, but rather allow applicants the opportunity to respond to unforeseen events.

: Allowable post-submission materials and other information applicable to NIH, AHRQ and NIOSH

Just-In-Time (JIT)

JIT information must be submitted to NIH for review and evaluation before NIH will issue a Notice of Award. The NIH routinely requests information on a JIT basis, such as other support data, certification of Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval, certification of Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approval, and human subjects training certification for all key personnel. This information is submitted via the Just-In-Time function within the .

NIH Other Support reporting

: Notice of Requirement for Electronic Submission of Just-in-Time Information and Related Business Process Changes Beginning April 20, 2012

: Revised Policy on Applicant Institution Responsibilities for Ensuring Just-in-Time Submissions are Accurate and Current Up to the Time of Award