UMBF Proposals

Grant Proposals and the UMB Foundation

All proposals for grant funding must be entered and routed in Kuali Research (KR). 

Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) and the UMB Foundation have procedures for proposal submission and award management when the UMB Foundation, UMB Office of Philanthropy or School Development Offices have supported proposal development, or when a 501(c)3 tax status is required by the sponsor. SPA and the UMB Foundation will determine whether the proposal will be submitted through UMB or through the UMB Foundation.

Gifts that do not have a specific Principal Investigator and do not support clinical trials, research, or other sponsored activities are not routed in KR. To request a determination, email with the subject line, 鈥淪PA ROUTING REVIEW鈥. Read more about Gifts and Sponsored Projects

Proposals must be routed according to School policies but submitted into routing no fewer than 5 days prior to the deadline.

In the KR Questionnaire "UMB Required Questions," respond 鈥測es鈥 to the question about working with the UMB or School development officers or to the question about 501(c)3 requirements. Be prepared to list the email addresses of the individual(s) that you are working with in the development offices.