Orientation to Sponsored Programs

Are you new to sponsored programs and research administration at the ±¬ÁϹ«Éç Baltimore? Welcome! We have so much information on our websites to share with you.  This page will get you started.

SPA:  Sponsored Programs Administration

SPAC:  Sponsored Project Accounting and Compliance

  This video is intended for those new to sponsored programs and research administration.

SPA Basics Quick Reference

Alphabetical Index of Key Topics

Find funding opportunities

Systems Access and Training â–¾

Kuali Research User Access:  Access request form, role descriptions, and tips about how to get yourself or someone in your department access to Kuali Research. 

Kuali Research:  After you have been granted a role in Kuali Research, log in through the myUMB portal or use this direct . Select the UMaryland-Baltimore link, then log in with your UMID and password. KR User Resources

Kuali Research Training:  Required for administrators who will create proposals on behalf of PIs; optional for others.

:  Select the UMaryland-Baltimore link, then log in with your UMID and password to access certain administrative forms. Examples: Subaward Request (to initiate an outgoing subaward), No Cost Extension Request.

Quantum User Access:  Log in with your UMID and password.  Access request form for Quantum Financials and Quantum Analytics.

:  Log in with your UMID and password.  Classes and demos.

NSF Research.gov:  Request an NSF account for your PI

eRA Commons:  Request an eRA Commons account for yourself (Assistant role) or for your PI

Communications â–¾

SPA Team emails

SPA Business Practices


Sponsors:  SPA staff are authorized to sign on behalf of UMB for proposals, award documents, and requests to the sponsor that require an Authorized Official signature. SPAC staff communicate with sponsors on financial reporting issues. Department administrators and PIs often communicate with program officials regarding project aims and progress. Coordinate with SPA on any communications with a sponsor that relate to award terms and conditions and/or requests for prior approval.


Proposal Development and Routing â–¾

The Office of Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) reviews proposals for submission to federal, state, and local government agencies and to foundations and other nonprofit funders. The Center for Clinical Trials and Corporate Contracts (CCT) reviews proposals for clinical trials and research agreements funded by corporations (for-profit organizations).

UMB uses Kuali Research for proposal development and internal routing. The proposal must be certified by the PI in Kuali Research before submission to the sponsor.

Submit a Proposal Overview:  A high-level description (with links) of the sponsored project proposal process, from concept to submission.

Developing Proposals:  Detailed information about many pre-award topics such as letters of intent, multi-PI proposals, and unfunded agreements.

Kuali Research Resources:  Instructions for creating and routing the proposal in Kuali Research.

UMB Institutional Data for Proposals

Proposal Budgets â–¾

Budgets and Expenses:  Detailed information about many budget topics from allowable costs to salary caps

Budgets in Kuali Research:  Tips and resources for entering the budget in Kuali Research

Institutional Rates:

Compliance â–¾

Effort Reporting:  Policy and Training

Environmental Health and Safety

Export Control:  Recommendations, Policy and Procedures

Human Research Protections

Institutional Biosafety Committee:  Registration of research that involves the use of recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules as described by the NIH Guidelines, human blood/tissue, pathogens, or potentially pathogenic material

Award Management Overview â–¾

The Office of Sponsored Project Accounting and Compliance (SPAC) sets up awards in Quantum Financials and oversees financial management and reporting for awards. Contact SPAC with questions about award set-up, account reconciliation, and financial reporting.

The Office of Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) oversees non-financial award management and reporting issues.

Award Receipt and Set-up â–¾

SPAC receives the award and sets up the account in Quantum Financials. Quantum Financials captures all the financial transactions for the award.

SPA enters the award in Kuali Research. Kuali Research captures a snapshot of the award as issued by the sponsor, and any award modifications.

Reports and Closeout â–¾

Financial reports

Federal grant progress reports

Interim and progress reports

Final reports and close-out

Subaward close-out

Quantum Analytics

  • Use Quantum Analytics for financial reconciliations.
  • Kuali Research (KR) data are imported into Quantum Analytics from the KR Institutional Proposal and Award modules for reporting of proposal submissions, award amounts and dates, and other non-financial data.