International Engagement

NSF Current and Pending Support

NIH Notice - Reminders of NIH Policies on Other Support and on Policies related to Financial Conflicts of Interest and Foreign Components

NIH : Upcoming Changes to the Biographical Sketch and Other Support Format Page for Due Dates on or after May 25, 2021. In addition to reminders about the required disclosure of foreign relationships, the notice includes new requirements for all PIs and key personnel:

  • new biosketch forms and instructions
  • new other support format with in-kind contributions listed separately from funded projects
  • requirement to upload supporting documentation, including copies of grants and contracts relating to foreign appointments, research activities, and resources (all translated into English)
  • immediate notification of undisclosed other support
  • PIs and key personnel must electronically sign their other support forms prior to submission to certify the accuracy of the information.

NSF  (7/11/19)

DOD guidance and decision matrix (6/29/23) - Countering Unwanted Foreign Influence in Department-funded [DOD-funded] Research at Institutions of Higher Education