SPA Notices Archive

All Kuali Research Proposals (8/21/2024):  In the Attachments section, Internal Attachments, add three placeholder documents. These placeholders allow SPA - or you - to upload internal documents without having to go through the recall/bypass process. Save a blank or placeholder document to PDF, upload it, and mark it as FINAL.

New fields in the Subaward Request (8/21/2024): New fields were added for compliance with federal contract requirements. The first is a yes/no question -- is the award or prime award a federal contract? Contracts are identified as such on the Description column of the Award search results in KR. Second, approval to issue the subaward is required, even if the subaward was included in the funded contract. Attach the approval. Third, we must document the sole source justification for the subrecipient. Fields are provided in the Questions section to enter a brief paragraph or upload the justification.

New fields in Kuali Build forms (8/20/2024): We've added an optional field to enter your department's Distribution List (DL) email address or shared email address. We've added new required fields for the Sponsor Contact Name and Email.

Please click "Update Now" on the notice that pops up on your draft Kuali Build forms. Changes will not affect forms already submitted into workflow.

Kuali Research and Kuali Build updates were announced at the SPA-SPAC meeting of 8/21/24 and in the RAC message sent 8/22/24.

NEW AS OF AUGUST 1:  Submit no-cost extension requests using the UMB NCE Request in Kuali Build. Link to the RAC message sent 7/31/2024

Modifications and other documents that don’t require routing in KR are submitted to SPA via Kuali Build. Link to the RAC message sent 6/27/2024

Effective July 1, 2024, ALL non-competing continuations should not be routed via Kuali Research, unless there is a significant increase to the budget, a change in the SOW, and/or a change in the administering department. Modifications for subsequent years of funding that were already included in a routed proposal should not be routed via Kuali Research. 

Non-competing continuations, modifications, and other documents that don’t require KR routing should be submitted to SPA via the new Kuali Build . 
KB Award Modification Instructions

All UMB employees already have access to Kuali Build and these forms. Log in with your UMB credentials. 

Posted June 2024 - Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund proposals:  In Kuali Research, please use Sponsor ID 000208 STMD-Maryland Technology Development Corporation (TEDCO) for proposal routing. The MSCRF is a TEDCO program and awards from MSCRF need to be reported as part of the TEDCO awards.

Kuali Research Proposal Development - additional required fields.  As of May 20, 2024, there are new required Supplemental Info fields, and the Anticipated Award Type field is required in Kuali Research (KR) proposals. Additional information is found in the notification email dated May 17, 2024 

NIH Resubmission Proposals - Change effective May 25:  Effective May 25, 2024, do not use any markups to identify changes in Resubmission applications. The new instructions are: Changes made to a Resubmission application should only be outlined in the Introduction attachment. The Introduction must include a summary of substantial additions, deletions, and changes to the application. It must also include a response to weaknesses raised in the Summary Statement. 

July 5 Deadline - IMPORTANT.  Due to the July 4th holiday and the administrative leave granted by President Jarrell on July 5th, proposals for the July 5th deadline must be submitted to NIH by SPA no later than COB on July 3, 2024. If other sponsors have July 5th deadlines, then these proposals also must be submitted by SPA to the sponsor no later than COB on July 3rd. Proposals must be routed to SPA in FINAL form by June 26th, 2024. If a proposal is routed to SPA in final form after the 26th every reasonable effort will be taken by SPA staff to review, resolve issues, and submit the proposal before COB on July 3, 2024.  Additional details are found in the notification email dated May 24, 2024.

Kuali Research Proposal Development - additional required fields.  As of May 20, 2024, there are new required Supplemental Info fields, and the Anticipated Award Type field is required in Kuali Research (KR) proposals.

Additional information is found in the notification email dated May 17, 2024

Kuali Research Update: Key Person certifications. As of May 10, 2024, all UMB Principal Investigators AND UMB Senior/Key Personnel must be listed on the KR Proposal Development record and must complete the Investigator Certification Questionnaire before a proposal can be routed for UMB approval and submission to the sponsor. 

If a proposal was submitted for routing before May 10th but is returned or recalled on or after May 10th, the Senior/Key Personnel must complete the Investigator Certification Questionnaire before the proposal can be submitted back into routing. Proposals already in progress and not returned or recalled will not be impacted.

Additional information is found in the notification email dated May 3, 2024

Certification instructions for PIs/Key Persons

NSF and SciENcv (posted 4/23/24):  NSF announced that the NSTC-approved Common Forms for the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support which are compliant with the new NSF Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG - ), are now available in . These revised formats will be required for proposals submitted or due on or after May 20, 2024. While these revised formats cannot be uploaded to or until May 20, 2024, NSF encourages proposers to become familiar with them in preparation for proposal submission in May.

NIH Resubmission Proposals - Change effective May 25:  Effective May 25, 2024, do not use any markups to identify changes in Resubmission applications. The new instructions are:  Changes made to a Resubmission application should only be outlined in the Introduction attachment. The Introduction must include a summary of substantial additions, deletions, and changes to the application. It must also include a response to weaknesses raised in the Summary Statement.

Begin using the new salary cap of $221,900 for all NIH proposals. For active awards where the salary cap applies and if adequate funds are available, you may rebudget funds to accommodate the current Executive Level II salary level, $221,900

Additional information:

  • :  $244,090
  • :  $191,900
  • :  $200,000

NSF Biosketches - SciENcv MUST be used for the preparation of National Science Foundation (NSF) biosketches and current and pending support documents for new proposals submitted or due on or after October 23, 2023. SciENcv information

NIH Data Management and Sharing Plans - change to budget instructions coming soon: Effective for applications submitted for due dates on or after October 5, 2023, NIH no longer requires the use of the single DMS cost line item. While the single cost line item is no longer required, NIH will require applicants to specify estimated DMS cost details within the “Budget Justification” attachment of the R&R Budget Form or “Additional Narrative Justification” attachment of the PHS 398 Modular Budget Form, according to the instructions.

Reminder for Centers/Institutes:  If you are routing from a Center or Institute, the PI's department of academic appointment is listed under Key Persons on the PI's Unit Details tab. The lead unit and ONE unit of appointment should be listed on this tab. The lead unit cannot be deleted or changed, but an incorrect unit should be corrected and any "extra" unit can and should be deleted. This information is part of the data that is shared with Quantum Analytics and the PI's unit of academic appointment needs to be accurate.

Reminder about the inclusion of URLs, email addresses, and hyperlinks in Letters of Support for NIH Applications. The states:  “Use of hyperlinks and URLs in Letters of Support is not allowed unless specified in the funding opportunity announcement.”  Hyperlinks and URLs are only allowed when specifically noted in NIH funding opportunities and/or form field instructions. .

Follow this policy for all new and competing proposals/renewals for projects that generate . Guidance for PIs

Guidance for Kuali Research attachments and budget

- look for the green exclamation points
- look for the green exclamation points

Revising the NIH/AHRQ/NIOSH Post-Submission Material Policy - - the updated policy contains new limitations and restrictions on post-submission materials and is effective for applications submitted for the May 25, 2023 receipt date and beyond.

, NIH Harassment Reporting Mandate:  NIH recipient institutions are expected to provide safe and healthful working conditions for their employees and foster work environments conducive to high-quality research. As a recipient of NIH funds, UMB is now required to report to the Director of the NIH when an individual identified as a principal investigator or as key personnel in an NIH notice of award is removed from their position or is otherwise disciplined due to concerns about harassment, bullying, retaliation, or hostile working conditions. UMB's Office of Accountability and Compliance and SPA will coordinate to review and submit any such reports.

As always, submit complaints and concerns to the UMB Hotline

In addition, prior approval requests to NIH for changes in PD/PI or other Senior/Key personnel or a change in recipient institution should state whether the change(s) are related to concerns about safety and/or work environments (e.g., due to concerns about harassment, bullying, retaliation, or hostile working conditions) ()

Reminder Regarding Recipient and Applicant Grants Policy Related Inquiries - - "As a reminder, inquiries regarding general grants-policy matters are best directed first to the recipient’s Office of Sponsored Programs; specifically, the AOR. In rare instances where these contacts are not able to assist in resolving the inquiry or determine a need to seek guidance from the NIH on a complex or unusual policy circumstance, the recipient/applicant’s AOR, not the PD/PI, may submit policy-related inquiries on the organization’s behalf to the NIH grants policy inbox."  
Work with your SPA Team at UMB on general grants and grants policy matters. SPA's alpha index of this website may help you research a question.

What number goes where for resubmissions, renewals and changed/corrected proposals? Review our instructions for Entering Award IDs and Institutional Proposal IDs. This guidance covers proposal resubmissions, renewals, and supplements.

When submitting a DOD PreApplication and Full Application the person to be contacted on these matters involving this application should be Christine To’alepai. The PreApplication and Full Application must have the same name or they will not link correctly in eBrap, which is the DOD’s system for submitting proposals.

NCEs for CCT Agreements:  When requesting a No Cost Extension on an agreement that has been negotiated and signed by CCT, please use the SPA NCE form and also have it signed by CCT prior to sending it to SPA for processing. This will speed up the processing to SPAC.

Subaward budgets - Avoid submission errors!

Linking funding opportunities in Kuali Research proposals

  • NSF proposals are submitted to NSF via 
  • NIH U- and P-series proposals should be submitted via NIH ASSIST.
  • For other federal grant proposals, if the opportunity you search for does not appear in the results or if you get an error message, contact your SPA team to confirm how the proposal will be submitted to the sponsor. User Attached Forms may be available to resolve the error. With SPA approval you may prepare the proposal for submission via Workspace or NIH ASSIST.

If your proposal will be submitted via, ASSIST, or Workspace, follow the instructions for non-S2S proposals. Proposal Development Guide: Non-S2S Proposals

Distribution List Information: SPA and SPAC use email distribution lists to facilitate communications with department administration. To add or remove an email from your unit's distribution list, contact: Information Services for School of Medicine (; Dean’s Offices for Schools of Dentistry, Nursing, Pharmacy, and part of Social Work; Colin Hunter in CITS for School of Law, part of School of Social Work, Central Administration users