KB Award Mod Form

Memo sent to RAC 6/27/2024

Important Updates and Reminders about Routing Proposals/Agreements
UMB Award Modification Request Form aka, “The Super Form”

Dear Colleagues:

Please read this important message as there are several changes to what should be routed to SPA via Kuali Research (KR). Modifications and other documents that don’t require routing in KR will be submitted to SPA via Kuali Build. These updates do not impact the process and handling of agreements being negotiated by CCT.

Effective July 1, 2024, ALL non-competing continuations should not be routed via Kuali Research, unless there is a significant increase to the budget, a change in the SOW, and/or a change in the administering department

Modifications for subsequent years of funding that were already included in a routed proposal should not be routed via Kuali Research. 

Non-competing continuations, modifications and other documents that don’t require KR routing should be submitted to SPA via Kuali Build. The link to create a new KB Award Modification Form can be found here:  

Screenshot of icon in Kuali Build

If a KR proposal is currently routing for one of these actions, it will continue on that approval path. Please initiate any new actions using the Kuali Build form.

SPA Office Hours on Monday, July 1, 2024, will have SPA staff available to answer any immediate questions regarding this form. 

SPA will also have a SPA Brown Bag Lunch session, on Wednesday, July 10, 2024 @ 12PM dedicated to this form.  The Zoom link and registration will follow in a separate email.

Please continue to use the current forms for requests and changes:

Temp Accounts:  Requests for temporary accounts should not be routed via Kuali Research unless they are accompanying an after-the-fact routing.  SPA will provide additional guidance specifically on after-the-fact routing separately.

Carry-Over Request: Requests for carryover of funds from one budget period to another, child-account requests, no-cost extensions, and requests to re-budget after the grant has been funded,  do not need to be routed. 

All other non-financial requests that require the signature of the institutional official also do not require routing.  Please use the UMB Award Modification Request Form.  

****Please note:  After SPA’s review, team members may have additional questions and may contact the “submitter” and/or “additional contact” before your request is finalized.  Please be sure to review and respond to inquiries to ensure timely processing times.

SPA continues to require a routing in Kuali Research for:

  • Pre-applications, Pre-proposals, Letters of Intent / Interest that contain budget details or cost share.
  • Proposals (new, competing, and supplemental)
  • Revised applications (replacing most or all of previously submitted proposal).
  • Resubmissions
  • Transfers from another institution
  • After-the-Fact routings 
  • Non-Funded agreements 
  • Data Use Agreements
  • Non-Disclosure Agreements
  • MOUs
  • Equipment Loan Agreement
  • Teaming Agreement

SPA will determine if unique situations not described here require routing through Kuali Research.

Questions about routing or not routing should be directed to the appropriate SPA Team.

Thank you!

Jill A. Frankenfield
Associate Vice President, Sponsored Programs Administration