Student Opportunities

Beginner Swimmers Video

Triathlon ideas 

The weather is starting to become nice again and it is time to get back outside.  It is never to early to start your training for a Triathlon.  If you are not interested in the real thing here are some other options you can try.

Here are some ideas for each leg of the Triathlon:

Swimming - Working on breath control is an important component of swimming

1. Blow Bubbles for 10 minutes

2. Using a straw race your friends and family by blowing a ping pong ball across the room.

3. Practice kicking in the bathtub for 10 minutes

Biking -

1. Simply go on a family bike ride

2. Pull someone in a wagon

3. Have wheelbarrow races

Running -

1. Walk, Skip, Jump, Hop, doesn't matter how you do it just have fun

2. Create lines for markers and do a different activity to each marker

3. Time yourself when walking or running from your house to campus or your favorite hangout spot.