Wellness Fair

Annual UMB Wellness Fair

Hosted by URecFit and Wellness, the Annual UMB Wellness Fair is an event to help strengthen the culture of well-being at UMB. This year, the wellness fair will take place Tuesday, April 8, 2025, 10 a.m-2 p.m. in the SMC Campus Center first floor locations. 

The fair is comprised of more than 50 vendors, student leaders, campus partners, and community organizations who come together to share a wealth of resources designed to help attendees prioritize their physical, mental, and emotional wellness. 

Get your passport for a trip around the wellness fair! Passports will be given out at the check-in table. Visit and have your passport stamped by 5 different interactive tables/presentations and be entered into raffles to win wellness prizes! A passport drop box will be available at the check-in table. 

Resources include interactive activities such as seated massages to reduce stress, running gait analysis, and screenings for blood pressure, posture, and extensibility by students in the Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science (PTRS).

If you are interested in registering as a vendor for the 2025 Wellness Fair, please complete 

Wellness Fair Vendors

Wellness Fair Vendors â–¾

Alzheimer's Association+J72:J96

American Heart Association

APhA - Operation Diabetes

APhA-ASP - Operation Heart Sodium Smarts

APhA-ASP Generation Rx

APhA-ASP Maryland Regional Operation (MRO)

APhA-ASP Operation Immunization

APhA-ASP OTC Medicine Safety

Baltimore County Department of Health (EIDU)

Baltimore City Department of Social Services/Foster Care & Adoptions

Baltimore County Health Department Cancer Prevention Programs

BCHD - Tobacco Free Baltimore

Be The Match

Breast Cancer Center

Center for a Healthy Maryland

Center for Injury Prevention and Policy (CIPP)

CPNP - College and Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists 

Center for Vaccine Development

Charm City Run

Comprehensive Stroke Center



Donate Life (Infinite Legacy formerly The Living Legacy Foundation)

Donate Life Maryland

Environmental Health and Safety (EHS)



Healthiest Maryland Schools Program

Healthier 2gether UMMS

Intercultural Center

Iranian American Dental Association (IADA)

Launch Your Life

Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling

Maryland Facial Plastic Surgey and Medical Spa

Maryland Health Care Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Maryland Insurance Administration

Maryland Poison Center

MD Inst Emergency Medical Servicers Systems

Office of Educational Support and Disability Services

Office of Emergency Management

Office of Sustainability

Office of the Attorney General

Optimum Health for Life

Pediatric Pharmacy Association

Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science

Public Health Student Association

Resolution Resources- WMS OAC, ELR, OO

Seated Massage Registration Table (fold n roll)

The J.R Wood Group

The Patients Program SOP


UMB Housing


UMB Police Department

UMB Resolution Resources- Workplace Mediation Service

UMB Staff Senate

UMB Student Counseling Center

UMB Student Food Pantry

UMD SAFE Center for Human Trafficking Survivors



UMFPI-Facial Plastics

UMFPI-Family Medicine



UMFPI-Physical Therapy

UMFPI-Sports Medicine


±¬ÁϹ«Éç Graduate School

±¬ÁϹ«Éç Medical Center

±¬ÁϹ«Éç Women's Health, OB/GYN

URecFit and Wellness

Mercy Medical Center Forensic Nurse Examiners


Student Groups â–¾

American Pharmacists Association - Academy of Student PharmacistsUMB


Public Health Student Association 

Scholars for Recovery

Student Section of Maryland Public Health Association (SMdPHA)

Student Society of Health Systems Pharmacy - SSHP

Students Promoting Awareness