
Articles And Reports Written By The Network Team 

Dearing J.W., Lapinski M. (2020). Multisolving Innovations For Climate And Health: Message Framing To Achieve Broad Public Support. Health Affairs.

DePasse J.W., Lee P.T. (2013). A model for ‘reverse innovation’ in health care. Globalization and Health.

Dialo N.C., Ogbolu Y., Vera Cordeiro M.D., Velloso C., Esteves G., Padua F., Barreto A.M. Brazil to Baltimore: Measuring adaptations and clarifying core elements of a social inclusion intervention through reverse innovation. 12th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health.

Evans R.E., Moore G., Movsisyan A., Rehfuess E. (2020). How can we adapt complex population health interventions for new contexts? Progressing debates and research priorities. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

Foundation R.W. (2021). Global Learning: Ideas to Improve Health in the U.S. - RWJF. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Furin J.J., Behforouz H.L., Shin S.S., Mukherjee J.S., Bayona J., Farmer P.E., Kim J.Y., Keshavjee S. (2008). Expanding Global HIV Treatment. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

Guenther G., Shearer J. (2016). Landscape Assessment: Bringing Health to Local Communities Strategies from global health.

Frameworks And Guidelines To Support Global Learning 

Adam C. ,Afsana W.K., Angell B.S., Awoonor-Williams K., Bhatt J., Dell N., Gandhi C.T., Heller M.S., Jackson A.I., Safo S., Sinha S., Weintraub P.H., Privett N., Stapleton A., Manager P., Walek S., Institute A. (2018). The Task Force on Global Advantage Report

Arshad H., Radi膰 M., Radi膰 D. (2018). Patterns of Frugal Innovation in Healthcare. Technology Innovation Management Review

Barr H. (2011). Turning the World Upside Down: The search for global health in the 21st Century, Nigel Crisp, London: Hodder Education 2010. Journal of Interprofessional Care.

Basu L., Frescas R., Kiwelu H. (2014). Patient guardians as an instrument for person centered care. Globalization and Health.

Basu L., Pronovost P., Molello N.E., Syed S.B., Wu A.W. (2017). The role of South-North partnerships in promoting shared learning and knowledge transfer. Globalization and Health.

Behforouz H.L., Farmer P.E., Mukherjee J.S. (2004). From Directly Observed Therapy to Accompagnateurs: Enhancing AIDS Treatment Outcomes in Haiti and in Boston. Clinical Infectious Diseases.

Benatar S., Sullivan T., Brown A. (2018). Why equity in health and in access to health care are elusive: Insights from Canada and South Africa. Global Public Health

Berwick D.M. (2004). Lessons from developing nations on improving health care. BMJ

Bewes P. (2004). Learning from low income countries: what are the lessons?: Trained medical assistants can successfully do work of doctors. BMJ

Bhattacharyya O., Wu D., Mossman K., Hayden L., Gill P., Cheng Y.L., Daar A., Soman D., Synowiec C., Taylor A., Wong J., von Zedtwitz M., Zlotkin S., Mitchell W., McGahan A. (2017).  Criteria to assess potential reverse innovations: opportunities for shared learning between high- and low-income countries. Globalization and Health

Binagwaho A., Nutt C.T., Mutabazi V., Karema C., Nsanzimana S., Gasana M., Drobac P.C., Rich M.L., Uwaliraye P., Nyemazi J., Murphy M.R., Wagner C.M., Makaka A., Ruton H., Mody G.N., Zurovcik D.R., Niconchuk J.A., Mugeni C., Ngabo F., de Dieu Ngirabega J., Asiimwe A., Farmer P.E. (2013). Shared learning in an interconnected world: innovations to advance global health equity. Globalization and Health

Blanchard C., Gibbs M., Narle G., Brookes C. (2013). Learning from communities in the USA and England to promote equity and address the social determinants of health. Global Health Promotion.

Bodeker G. (2001). Lessons on integration from the developing world's experience Commentary: Challenges in using traditional systems of medicine. BMJ

Bollyky T.J. (2015). New, Cheap, and Improved Assessing the Promise of Reverse and Frugal Innovation to Address Noncommunicable Diseases

Braveman P. (2104). What are Health Disparities and Health Equity? We Need to Be Clear. Public Health Reports.

Brown T.M., Cueto M., Fee E. (2006). The World Health Organization and the Transition From “International” to “Global” Public Health. American Journal of Public Health

Yox E. (2019). Lessons from the World: Applying Global Thinking to Local Public Health. National Association of County and City Health Officials.

Articles And Reports That Advocate For Global Learning Generally 

Bylander J. (2016). Tackling Disparities With Lessons From Abroad.Health Affairs.

Caine J., Pokhrel K. (2011). Stories From the Field. Health Promotion Practice.

Chabikuli O., Mastro T. (2020). What can the United States learn from other countries to tackle disparities?

Cotton M., Henry J., Hasek L. (2014). Value innovation: an important aspect of global surgical care. Globalization and Health.

Creswell J.W., Clark V.L. (2017). Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research. SAGE Publishing.

Crisp N. (2014). Mutual learning and reverse innovation–where next?. Globalization and Health.

Crisp N. (2015). Co-development, innovation and mutual learning – or how we need to turn the world upside down. Healthcare.

Dandonoli P. (2013). Open innovation as a new paradigm for global collaborations in health. Globalization and Health.

Darzi A., Parston G., Harris M., Bhatti Y., Prime M., del Castillo J. (2016). GLOBAL DIFFUSION OF HEALTHCARE INNOVATION MAKING THE CONNECTIONS.

Tran V.T.,Ravaud P. (2016). Frugal innovation in medicine for low resource settings. BMC Medicine.

Uwemedimo O.T., Arora G., Russ C.M. (2016). New views on global child health: global solutions for care of vulnerable children in the United States. Current Opinion in Pediatrics.

Vanderbilt T. (2019). Reverse Innovation” Could Save Lives. Why Aren’t We Embracing It? The New Yorker.

Zinsstag J., Pelikan K., Hammel T., Tischler J., Flahault A., Utzinger J., Probst-Hensch N. (2019). Reverse innovation in global health. Journal of Public Health and Emergency.

Articles About Projects Implemented In The United States 

Johnson C.D., Noyes J., Haines A., Thomas K., Stockport C., Ribas A.N., Harris M. (2013). Learning from the Brazilian Community Health Worker Model in North Wales. Globalization and Health.

King A., Odunitan-Wayas F., Chaudhury M., Rubio M., Baiocchi M., Kolbe-Alexander T., Montes F., Banchoff A., Sarmiento O., B盲lter K., Hinckson E., Chastin S., Lambert E., Gonz谩lez S. ,Guerra A., Gelius P., Zha C., Sarabu C., Kakar P., Fernes P., Rosas L., Winter S., McClain E., Gardiner P. (2021). Community-Based Approaches to Reducing Health Inequities and Fostering Environmental Justice through Global Youth-Engaged Citizen Science. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

Loewenson R., Beznec P., Coelho V., D'Ambruoso L., Dorras J., Dudding R., Frenz P., Gerrity P., Howe D., Ivie V., Matheson D., Mbwili-Muleya C., Mohanty R., Ndetei D., Obando F., Simpson S., Tanzman B., Wagner B., Zappelli R. (2017). Building social power and participation in local health systems: Learning from practice.

Lokugamage A.U., Douglass C., Gishen F. ,Fyfe M.V. (2019). Reverse innovation, power imbalances, language, and avoiding cultural appropriation. BMJ.

Marcus A.D. (2009). To Fix Health Care, Some Study Developing World.

Wagner B. (2020). South Valley community partnerships for health equity applying lessons earned in Cuba. .

Articles About Global Learning With Specific Examples 

Marmot M., Friel S., Bell R., Houweling T.A., Taylor S. (2008). Closing the gap in a generation: health equity through action on the social determinants of health. The Lancet.

Matheson A., Bourke C., Verhoeven A., Khan M.I., Nkunda D., Dahar Z., Ellison-Loschmann L. (2018). Lowering hospital walls to achieve health equity. BMJ.

Mendel P., Davis L., Turner S., Armenta G., Farmer C., Branch C., Robert G. (2019). Co-Design of Services for Health and Reentry (CO-SHARE): An Experience-Based Co-Design (EBCD) Pilot Study with Individuals Returning to Community from Jail and Service Providers in Los Angeles County. RAND Corporation.

Murray S.A. (2000). Out of Africa: some lessons for general practice/family medicine in developed countries? Family Practice.

Ogbolu Y., Rowthorn V., Dudding R., Fiori K., North-Kabore J., Parke D., Plum A., Shin S. (2020). Global learning for health equity: A scoping review 2020.

Organization W.H. (2016). Global monitoring of action on the social determinants of health: a proposed framework and basket of core indicators. 

Petersen P.E., Kwan S. (2011). Equity, social determinants and public health programmes - the case of oral health. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology.

Prentiss T., Tamler I., Plum A., Parke D., Zervos J., Tanniru M., Sears M.H., White M., Wisdom K., Kaljee L. (2017). Community Health Workers as Innovators: Methods and Results from a Tele-Education Pilot for Community Health Workers in Detroit, Michigan.

Rabkin M., El-Sadr W.M., Mugyenyi P., Ramatlapeng M.K. ,Cock K.M. (2010). Lessons From Africa. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes.

Redko C. , Bessong P., Burt D., Luna M., Maling S., Moore C., Ntirenganya F., Martin A.N., Petroze R., Hartog J., Ballard A., Dillingham R. (2017). Exploring the Significance of Bidirectional Learning for Global Health Education Annals of Global Health.

Richard L., Furler J., Densley K., Haggerty J., Russell G., Levesque J.F., Gunn J. (2016). Equity of access to primary healthcare for vulnerable populations: the IMPACT international online survey of innovations. International Journal for Equity in Health.

Richards T., Tumwine J. (2004). Poor Countries Make The Best Teachers: Discuss: It Is Not Only What You Spend On Health But How You Spend It. BMJ: British Medical Journal.

Richman B.D., Udayakumar K., Mitchell W., Schulman K.A. (2008). Lessons From India In Organizational Innovation: A Tale Of Two Heart Hospitals. Health Affairs.

Rosen A. (2006). Destigmatizing day-to-day practices: what developed countries can learn from developing countries. World psychiatry: official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). Masson Italy.

Rowthorn V., Edwards L.A., Lipscomb J., Olsen J. (2017). Global to Local: Methods and Models.Annals of Global Health.

Rowthorn V., Plum A.J., Zervos J. (2017). Legal and Regulatory Barriers to Reverse Innovation. Annals of Global Health.

Russell G., Kunin M., Harris M., Levesque J.F., Descôteaux S., Scott C., Lewis V., Dionne É., Advocat J., Dahrouge S. ,Stocks N. ,Spooner C., Haggerty J. (2019).  Improving access to primary healthcare for vulnerable populations in Australia and Canada: protocol for a mixed-method evaluation of six complex interventions. BMJ Open.

Sawin E. (2018). The Magic of “Multisolving”.

Skopec M., Issa H., Harris M. (2019). Delivering cost effective healthcare through reverse innovation. BMJ.

Snowdon A.W., Bassi H., Scarffe A.D., Smith A.D. (2015). Reverse innovation: an opportunity for strengthening health systems. Globalization and Health.

Susser E., Collins P., Schanzer B., Varma V.K., Gittelman M. (1996). Topics for our times: can we learn from the care of persons with mental illness in developing countries? American Journal of Public Health.

Swartz H.A., Rollman B.L. (2003). Managing the global burden of depression: lessons from the developing world. World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). Masson Italy.

Walters A.S. (2020). The friendship bench: Delivering mental health treatment in developing countries. The Brown University Child and Adolescent Behavior Letter.

Articles About The WHO And Other International Consortia In Global Learning 

Syed S.B., Dadwal V., Martin G. (2013). Reverse innovation in global health systems: towards global innovation flow. Globalization and Health.

Syed S.B., Dadwal V., Pittet D. (2011). Developed-developing country partnerships: benefits from South to North? BMC Proceedings.

Syed S.B., Syed S.B., Gooden .R, Storr J., Hightower J.D., Rutter P., Nejad S.B., Lardner A., Kelley E., Pittet D. (2009). African partnerships for patient safety: a vehicle for enhancing patient safety across two continents. [corrected]. World hospitals and health services: the official journal of the International Hospital Federation.

Taylor A., Siddiqui F. (2017). Bringing Global Health Home: The Case of Global to Local in King County, Washington. Annals of Global Health.

Thompson G., Lenzi R., Phillips T., Grey T., Hoyt A., Weldy A., Okumu E. (2019). Learning From the World Global Strategies for Improving Health Equity and Social Determinants of Health.

Thunhurst C.P. (2021). Public health systems analysis - where the River Kabul meets the River Indus. Globalization and Health.

to Local G. (2021). Global to Local - Washington Global Health Alliance. Harvard Business Publishing. World Health Organization. 

Wu A.W., Hwang S., Weston C.M., Ibe C., Boonyasai R.T., Bone L., Basu L., Lief I., Gentry J., Purnell L., Rosenblum M., the Baltimore CONNECT Study Tea F. (2018). Baltimore CONNECT: A Randomized Trial to Build Partnership Between Community Organizations and a Local Health System. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action.

Other Relevant Articles 

Haber R., Wong E. (2013). Learning From Others Comprehensive Health Equity Strategies In Europe.

Harris M., Dadwal V., Syed S.B. (2020). Review of the reverse innovation series in globalization and health 鈥 where are we and what else is needed? Globalization and Health.

Harris M., Dadwal V., Wu A., Syed S.B. (2015). It takes threat of Ebola to see lessons from low income countries. Globalization and Health.

Harris M., Weisberger E., Silver D., Dadwal V., Macinko J. (2016). That鈥檚 not how the learning works 鈥 the paradox of Reverse Innovation: a qualitative study. Globalization and Health.

Harris M., Weisberger E., Silver D., Macinko J. (2015). 鈥楾hey hear 鈥淎frica鈥 and they think that there can鈥檛 be any good services鈥 鈥 perceived context in cross-national learning: a qualitative study of the barriers to Reverse Innovation. Globalization and Health.

Ibe C.A., Basu L., Gooden R., Syed S.B., Dadwal V., Bone L.R., Ephraim P.L., Weston C.M., Wu A.W. (2018). From Kisiizi to Baltimore: cultivating knowledge brokers to support global innovation for community engagement in healthcare      . Globalization and Health.

J.S., A.R. (2021). Global Learning for U.S. Primary Health Care A Resource & Implementation Guide. Development Education Research Centre, Global Learning Programme. Development Education Research Centre, Institute of Education.

Whitehead D.M. (2015). Global Learning: Key to Making Excellence Inclusive. Liberal Education. Association of American Colleges and Universities.

Zeschky M., Widenmayer B., Gassmann O. (2011). Frugal Innovation in Emerging Markets. Research-Technology Management.

Zhou J., Blaylock R., Harris M.(2020). Systematic review of early abortion services in low- and middle-income country primary care: potential for reverse innovation and application in the UK context. Globalization and Health.