Find a Home

Red brick row homes

Find your next home in one of Baltimore’s most vibrant neighborhoods! If you are interested in finding a home, check out local property listings, enlist the help of a real estate agent, and explore the qualifying neighborhoods by driving through the area.

Be sure to take a close look at the program parameters before moving forward. To qualify for the Live Near Your Work (LNYW) grant, you must have completed a homeownership counseling program before signing a contract for sale. Also be sure that you fall in love with a home that is situated within the program’s target area. Failing to follow program parameters will result in the rejection of your application.

Finding the right real estate agent is an important aspect of your home search.  can help you partner with a real estate agent who is familiar with the program's target neighborhoods and homebuying incentives.

UMB does not endorse any home search platform. The links above are provided as resources to aid your search.