For Foundations

Foundation support is critical for UMB to continue providing the most advanced clinical care, conducting innovative research, shaping tomorrow’s policies, and educating the next generation of Dentists, Lawyers, Nurses, Pharmacists, Physicians, Social workers, and Scientists.

UMB’s commitment to serving underserved populations in the Baltimore area and worldwide to provide health care, legal aid, social work, outreach, and leadership development opportunities are dependent on the assistance we receive from foundations like yours.  We would like to partner with your foundation to achieve your mission and your programmatic goals.  We would like to add your organization to our Foundation Partnerships at UMB.

Explore UMB

Learn more about our six schools, programs, and our expert faculty investigators and their cutting-edge research and pioneering community programs.

UMB Experts Guide

Organized Research Centers and Institutes

UMB CURE Scholars Program

If you are interested in learning more about UMB’s research and faculty, contact Al Essien, Director, at to start the conversation.