Weightlifting 101

Weightlifting 101

A free program that will teach all participants proper weightlifting form. We will meet on the scheduled days at 5:30 p.m. in the Strength and Conditioning room in Pratt Gym. The trainers will be there until 7 p.m. and you can stop by any time!

 For more information, email Jimmy Mszanski at jmszanski@umaryland.edu   

WL 101 Schedule 2024-2025





Squat Variations September 18 Front and Back Squats
Hinge Movements October 15 Deadlift Variations
Push Movements November 11 Bench Press Variations
Pull Movements February 11 Pull ups and Row Variations
Unilateral Movements March 19 Lunge Variations
The Carry April 8 Farmer's Carry and Core Strength


