Charity Golf Tournament FAQs

The following is a list of common questions regarding the Golf Tournament.  

Who is eligible to play in the golf tournament? â–¾

The tournament is open to the public. Anyone can participate, so feel free to spread the word to friends! 

What is the date and time of the tournament? â–¾

The 35th Annual Golf Tournament will be held at Oakmont Green Golf Course on Thursday, May 25, 2023. The tournament will follow a shotgun start, starting at 7:30 a.m. sharp

What is included with the registration fee? â–¾

Each player’s registration fee includes green fees, a cart, breakfast, range balls, steak or vegetarian lunch, beverages, contests, and prizes. 

What methods of payment are accepted? â–¾

Participants can pay by check or credit card on the golf registration site.

What kind of contests does the tournament include? â–¾

Some of the contests include longest drive, closest to the pin, straightest drive, shots on the green, and a Ravens ticket raffle.  

Is there a dress code for the golf course? â–¾

Collared shirts are the only mandatory dress code for this tournament. However, golf attire is encouraged.

Is there a cap on the registration? â–¾

Yes. There is a limit of 128 golfers, and registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.

In the case of inclement weather, what happens? â–¾

Prepare for the golf tournament to go on as planned. Only in extremely inclement weather will the tournament be canceled. In the unlikely event the tournament is canceled, all registration fees will be treated as a donation, and no refunds will be administered. There will not be a makeup date for the event.

How do I register for the Annual Golf Tournament? â–¾

Registration for the Golf Tournament starts March 2, 2023. 



Register By

May 5

May 6-12

Foursome (complete) 




