Get Involved-NEW!

Get Involved in Student Wellness

There are a variety of ways students and other campus community members can get involved in creating a campus of well-being. 

Wellness Fellows (paid position) â–¾

Wellness fellows perform administrative tasks to assist with development of programming, services, and resources that promote student well-being.  The wellness fellow position is a part-time, paid position through URecFit and Wellness. Apply here.

Peer Health and Wellness Educators (paid position) â–¾

Peer health and wellness educators are committed to supporting fellow students and empowering them to make healthy choices. They do this by providing education on a variety of important health and well-being topics, connecting their peers to campus and community resources, and creating a safe space for open dialogue. If you are health conscious, like outreach and connecting with your peers, you can help create a culture of well-being across the UMB campus.  Apply here.

Student Health and Wellness Advisory Board-Accepting Applications Now!! â–¾

The Student Health and Wellness Advisory Board will be comprised of students representing each of the seven UMB schools. The purpose is to provide a forum for students to express the needs and concerns of fellow students and to develop a health-conscious University. The group will meet bimonthly during the academic year to collaborate on wellness projects and events, identify opportunities between schools/departments, and to develop strategies to promote health and wellness across UMB. Members will also act as wellness liaisons, communicating and promoting well-being initiatives and events to their peers, and encouraging a university-wide culture of well-being and academic/life balance.

Fill out this form to apply to join the committee. 

Scholars for Recovery â–¾

Scholars for Recovery is a student organization committed to promoting activities and providing resources that promote the health and wellness of students, especially students who are recovering from substance use disorders. This group is open to UMB students who are sober curious, in recovery, or advocating for peers and classmates in recovery. . For more information email:

NAMI at UMB â–¾

 National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI) is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental health. The NAMI at UMB chapter offers support and education programs for students advocating and living with mental health conditions. Interested students should email