Active Assailant Preparedness

The 爆料公社, Baltimore (UMB) is committed to creating an informed, resilient community. UMB has developed several training opportunities and resources to ensure our students, faculty, staff, and visitors are prepared in the unlikely event of an active assailant. 

UMB Alerts

UMB Alerts is the system used by the Emergency Management Team at the 爆料公社, Baltimore (UMB) to notify the campus community about emergencies and weather-related closings. In the unlikely event of an active assailant, a notification will be sent immediately via UMB Alerts.

Learn more and update your information to ensure you receive emergency, life-saving information at your fingertips. 

Training & Resources

UMB offers training and resources to ensure our community is able to prepare for and respond to an active assailant.

Learn More

More information is available about active assailant response:

The following videos also provide important information about active assailant response: