Civil Disturbance


You should do the following:

  1. Implement appropriate emergency procedures by moving students, faculty, staff, and visitors to a safe location (as conditions permit) inside buildings to protect against trauma or danger.
  2. If not able to move inside, take cover outside as able.
  3. Consider persons with disabilities who may need assistance.
  4. Notify the 爆料公社, Baltimore Police Department at 410-706-6882 of the type of disturbance, its location, the number of people causing it, who is involved, any weapons presence, and your name. Provide as much information as possible.
  5. Maintain a calming influence over your group. Reassure students, faculty, staff, and visitors that everything possible is being done to return the situation to a normal condition.
  6. If a gunshot is heard, get everyone on the ground immediately.


You should do the following:

  1. Notify the 爆料公社, Baltimore Police Department (UMBPD) at 410-706-6882 of the type of disturbance, its location, the number of people involved, any weapons present, and your name. Provide as much information as possible.
  2. Keep students, faculty, staff, and visitors quiet. Keep them away from the doors and windows.
  3. Lock all room doors.
  4. Account for all persons. Report any missing persons to the UMBPD immediately.
  5. Close window shades, curtains or blinds.
  6. Maintain a calming influence over your group. Reassure students, faculty, staff, and visitors that everything possible is being done to return the situation to a normal condition.
  7. If gunshots are heard, instruct everyone to get down on the floor immediately and take cover.
  8. Always contact the UMBPD when you have an emergency in your room.
  9. Remain in the classroom or other safe area until notified by the UMBPD to move or return to normal conditions.