Estate Planning

Motivating yourself to begin estate planning is challenging even in normal times.

We’d like to send you a complimentary kit, written by University of Maryland alumni and staff, to get started.

The â€‹48-page estate planning workbook covers the basics of estate planning through four articles and a record section to help you organize personal information and prepare you to visit a professional.

Subjects covered include: 

  • Planning your estate 
  • Planning your retirement and preserving your assets
  • Estate planning with special needs and long-term care considerations 
  • Charitable giving through financial and estate planning

Download a copy of our UMB Estate Planning Workbook or contact Liz Connors at 410-706-5911 or

To enter your information directly in the record section of the workbook, it is recommended that you use Adobe Reader. If you edit the PDF in Firefox, the PDF must be downloaded again after making edits.


UMB Estate Planning Workbook

Legal services, including estate planning services, are available to UMB employees through UMB Guidance Resources.