Leave Administration


Annual Leave for Regular Employees

A maximum of 50 workdays of annual leave may be carried into a new calendar year by all Regular employees. This maximum will be pro-rated for employees working 50 percent or more.

  • Exempt: Full-time exempt employees earn 22 days of annual leave per calendar year, accumulated on a biweekly basis from the beginning of their employment. Beginning with the 21st year and thereafter, annual leave will be earned at the rate of 25 days per year. Exempt employees may use earned annual leave at the beginning of their employment.
  • Nonexempt: Regular full-time Nonexempt Staff employees will earn annual leave on a biweekly basis according to the following schedule.

    • Beginning with the Date of Employment through completion of the 1st year: 11 days
    • Beginning with the 2nd year through completion of the 2nd year: 12 days
    • Beginning with the 3rd year through completion of the 3rd year: 13 days
    • Beginning with the 4th year through completion of the 4th year: 14 days
    • Beginning with the 5th year through completion of the 10th year: 15 days
    • Beginning with the 11th year through completion of the 20th year: 20 days
    • Beginning with the 21st year and thereafter: 25 days incumbent



  • VII 7.00
  • VII 7.00(A)

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Sick Leave for Regular Employees

Sick leave is paid leave granted to employees in an effort to provide protection against the loss of earnings due to absences for health reasons. An employee may request that their illness, injury, or disability occurring during a period of annual or personal leave be charged to sick leave. Verification of such illness, injury, or disability may be required by the supervisor as a condition of sick leave approval.

Earned sick leave is normally granted by the supervisor when an employee is absent because of: illness, injury, or disability of the employee; a prescheduled medical appointment, examination, or treatment for the employee with an accredited, licensed, or certified medical provider; illness or injury in the employee’s immediate family and medical appointments, examinations, or treatments for the immediate family member with an accredited, licensed, or certified medical provider; and care of a newborn child or adoption.

Death of a Relative
For the death of a close relative, the department head or designee may grant the use of up to five days of accrued sick leave. If the death of a close relative requires an employee to travel and stay away from home overnight, upon request the department head or designee may grant the use of up to a maximum of seven days of accrued sick leave for this purpose.



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Advanced Sick Leave

An employee who is unable to work due to a serious recoverable temporary disability or personal illness may be eligible to request advanced sick leave. In the first year, Advanced sick leave will be prorated based upon the employee’s length of service and FTE.  Thereafter, advanced sick leave may be granted in increments of 15 days for each calendar year of the employee’s USM/state service up to a maximum of 60 days during a calendar year and must be paid back upon the employee’s return to work or upon the employee’s separation from service. Upon returning to work, the minimum rate of repayment is one-half of the rate at which the employee earns sick leave and annual leave.


  • Have a satisfactory record of work performance and no record of sick leave abuse; and,
  • Have exhausted all available paid leave.

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Extended Sick Leave

Extended sick leave is leave with pay that may be requested by an employee who is unable to work due to a serious recoverable temporary disability or personal illness. At the University’s discretion, extended sick leave may be granted up to a maximum of 12 months during an employee’s entire USM service or state service.


  • Have at least five years of USM or state service;
  • Have a satisfactory record of work performance and no record of sick leave abuse; and,
  • Have exhausted all available paid leave, including advanced sick leave.

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Leave Reserve Fund

The USM administers a Leave Reserve Fund composed of unused personal leave. An employee with a serious temporary disability or personal illness with a reasonable expectation of a return to work may request to use leave from the Leave Reserve Fund. The request cannot exceed one day for every month of creditable service.


  • Have at least one year of USM service;
  • Have a satisfactory record of work performance and sick leave usage;
  • Have exhausted all available paid leave, including advanced sick leave, extended sick leave, compensatory leave, and personal leave.



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Family Medical Leave 

Family Medical Leave entitles eligible employees of covered employers to take unpaid, job-protected leave for specified family and medical reasons with continuation of group health insurance coverage.

Eligible employees are entitled to 12 workweeks of leave in a 12-month period for:

  • The birth of a child and to care for the newborn child within one year of birth;
  • The placement with the employee of a child for adoption or foster care and to care for the newly placed child within one year of placement;
  • To care for the employee’s spouse, child, or parent who has a serious health condition;
  • A serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the essential functions of his or her job;
  • A qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that the employee’s spouse, son, daughter, or parent is a covered military member on “covered active duty;” or
  • Twenty-six workweeks of leave during a single 12-month period to care for a covered service member with a serious injury or illness if the eligible employee is the service member’s spouse, son, daughter, parent, or next of kin (military caregiver leave)


  • Been employed within UMB or USM for at least one year.
  • Worked at least 1,040 hours within the last year immediately preceding the date of requested leave.



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Parental Leave 

Regular full-time staff and faculty may be provided paid parental leave for up to 60 days (480 hours) during a six-month period surrounding: the birth of a newborn; the recent adoption of a child under the age of 6. For regular part-time staff working 50 percent time or greater, the amount of parental leave is prorated.


  • After 6 months of UMB employment, and written affirmation that the employee will be the child’s primary caregiver during the parental leave period, and
  • Have a satisfactory history of sick and safe leave usage and work performance
  • Not exceeded the maximum of allotted benefit.


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UMB provides 11 regular paid holidays each year (12 holidays during years of congressional or general elections) and three other paid holidays each year referred to as “floaters.” Holidays must be scheduled and used in the calendar year in which they occur, and may not be carried over into the following calendar year. When a nonexempt employee is unable to take a scheduled holiday off because of operational denial by a supervisor, the employee will be compensated in accordance with UMB policies and procedures.

2024 Holiday Schedule

2025 Holiday Schedule


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Personal Leave

Eligible employees are entitled to three days (24 hours) of personal leave per calendar year. Any personal leave that is unused at the end of the calendar year or upon separation shall be forfeited. Part-time employees working 50 percent time or more shall receive personal leave on a prorated basis. The use of personal leave for Nonexempt  employees requires prior approval; Exempt employees must provide supervisors with prior notification. 

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Leave of Absence Without Pay 

Under certain circumstances, an employee may apply for voluntary leave without pay. Primary considerations in granting leave of absence without pay are that it not disrupt or interfere with the operations or the work schedules of the organization and that it advance the activities of the institution. Leave without pay may also be granted for personal health reasons.


  • Must hold a regular full-time or part-time (50 percent or more) position.
  • Have at least 12 months of service at UMB.
  • Have a satisfactory work performance record, and have no leave abuse record.


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Accident Leave

A regular full-time or part-time employee who works 50 percent time or greater who is injured while at work and is unable to return to work as a result of the work accident may be eligible to receive up to six months of accident leave. Accident leave is provided by the University at a rate of two-thirds of the employee’s regular pay, and such pay is not taxable.

To apply for accident leave resulting from a work-related injury, click here.


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Jury Duty and Leave for Legal Actions

The University shall grant jury service leave with pay for time spent on jury duty as well as for an employee who is not a party to a legal action or court proceeding and who is subpoenaed to appear in a court action before a grand jury, before an administrative agency, or for a deposition.


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